Jul 07, 2006 09:45
Yesterday afternoon we had An Ominous Company Meeting. Turns out Meetinghouse has been bought by Cisco in an acquisition. Part of the employees are staying in a newly formed company and most of the rest, including me, are going to be Cisco employees by mid-August. Same job, same place, just another name to tack onto my resume I guess. It's not a particularly surprising move, seeing as how Cisco's almost 60% of the network market and absorbed over 100 other companies in less than 20 years to get there. Our human relations and sales/marketing departments are going to be obsolete upon acquisition, so naturally there are layoffs - and in another six months it's not unlikely for some engineers to be let go too. The whole sell was worth upwards of $47 million (it's a 77 person company), so for now there might be benefits in the form of bonuses. I highly doubt I'll be getting a piece of that, though. :-D There's still a bunch of stuff to be worked out, and weeks of Cisco people filtering through to help the Borg assimilation along, but that's how job stuff's going down. Umm... yay Cisco?
And in slightly more important/relevant news, I'll be heading down to my sister's for the weekend. Not like we've made a ton of plan ideas but I'm sure it'll be fun anyway. :-)
EDIT: We just had another meeting with the Cisco integration guys and the summer internship deal is gonna be pretty sketchy. I might actually end up not being mapped to a new job at the deal's close. 4 less weeks of getting paid? Oh well, I'll find out soon enough. On the good side, we did all get free Cisco-branded t-shirts, water bottles, and backpacks with laptop case. Pretty high-quality gear, I'm impressed.