avengers avengers avengers avengers (sorry Will)

May 04, 2012 03:30

First of all, seriously, go see this in a packed theater opening weekend with the crowd cheering and laughing and applauding at everything.

I mean, you'll have to eventually go again so you can understand some of the lines that were laughed over, but SERIOUSLY.

spoilers spoilers FUCKING ALL THE SPOILERS )

mavengerfuqqas, joss

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pintsizeninja May 4 2012, 16:49:16 UTC

First, I am so, so sorry you got spoiled for that scene. I can't even imagine. I had no idea and went into it totally blind and AUGH, MY FEELS. In retrospect, I can't believe we didn't guess it because it seems so obvious now.

Hawkeye was actually my favorite. I didn't know much about him outside of what I'd seen in Thor and I am absolutely in love now. He was so, so badass and Jeremy Renner has amazing arms and an amazing face and an amazing everything. I absolutely adored the scenes with him and Natasha. I feel like that was one of the things Joss did best - he took these two characters we didn't really know much about and developed them pretty thoroughly in that conversation between Loki and Natasha. I am so on board for a Hawkeye/Black Widow movie.

The Hulk got the most applause in our theater, too! So I wonder if that's a thing. Of course, he did have some of the most epic scenes (the one with Loki and the one with Thor, oh my god) but I think he really took a lot of people by surprise. Mark Ruffalo was perfect. Absolutely perfect. His portrayal of Bruce Banner was so tortured. The suicide bit was surprising and oh my god, I can't even imagine what it must be like to live your life knowing you're a ticking time bomb and that everyone around you is terrified and just waiting for you to get angry and kill them, basically. Like everyone's touching you with kid gloves. It was absolutely phenomenal.

The easter egg made me laugh so hard, too. I mean, you just saved the world. What else is there to say?

I will definitely have to see it again, as I missed some dialog for the same reasons.

I am also thoroughly impressed by Joss's direction of the action scenes. I wasn't fully prepared for that, as this isn't his usual scene. But, like most things, he took it and ran with it. I'm starting to wonder if there's anything he can't do.

Also, I just followed you on tumblr. I can't believe I wasn't doing that already. >.


entwashian May 5 2012, 05:42:05 UTC
Yaaaaay, you got Rennered! ...even more than Iron Man, though?!?!

I AM SO EXCITED PEOPLE ARE FINALLY LIKING THE HULK!!!!!!! I got into an argument with a couple people at WonderCon about the casting of Mark Ruffalo, which I knew from the very start was genius. EAT IT, SUCKERS! I AM RIGHT. (I think I actually said to this one dude, "You'll see!" XD I am such a brat. BUT RIGHT.)

When they were talking about how they were filming an extra scene, like, the night of the premiere or something, I was wondering what they were going to do about Chris Evans' beard. I am LOLing at the result!!!!

I cannot wait to see it again!

I'm starting to wonder if there's anything he can't do.
Of course there's not. ;) That was actually a lot of the appeal of this movie for me. I just absolutely knew I wasn't going to be disappointed.

I didn't know you had a Tumblr!


pintsizeninja May 7 2012, 17:53:30 UTC
Hrm. I don't know if it's even more than Iron Man. I feel like I need more info on Clint, you know? He was such a badass in this movie but I have no idea what his character's really like. Other than he is clearly reasonable and willing to disobey direct orders (he did, after all, make the executive decision to spare Natasha's life. Which I find very interesting)

Hahahaha. You totally proved them right! Every single person I have talked to absolutely LOVED Mark Ruffalo and this incarnation of Bruce Banner. He really does bring so much tragedy and sadness to the role. I'd like to think that he's currently hanging out with Tony at Stark Tower geeking out with his science bro over science stuff.

So what did they do about Chris's hair?! Did they make him wear a wig? He obviously has his hand covering his face, but his hair looked the same as it did in the movie.

lol, yes, my tumblr has exploded, as you well know. I have a major tumblr problem. MAJOR. I want to reblog ALL THE THINGS.


entwashian May 11 2012, 01:20:56 UTC
LOL, well there's a LOT of comics canon! Just pick one! XD


Yeah, it looks like a wig.


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