For the prompt 'destitution'. There's a dearth of good female roles on tv; for women over 50, there is next to nothing. Here are some happy exceptions to that unfortunate rule.
Angela Petrelli (Heroes), Dorothy Zbornak (The Golden Girls), Ida (The Middleman), Mary Bartowski (Chuck), Sophia Maguire (The Event)
Honey Dupree (State of Georgia), Lily Charles (Pushing Daisies), Karen McCluskey (Desperate Housewives), Blanche Devereaux (The Golden Girls), Marie Kessler (Grimm)
Rose Nylund (The Golden Girls), Eleanor Carr (Haven), Madeleine Westen (Burn Notice), Penny Halliwell (Charmed), Tonya Rice (Memphis Beat)
Vivian Charles (Pushing Daisies), Jessica Fletcher (Murder, She Wrote), Irene Frederic (Warehouse 13), Sophia Petrillo (The Golden Girls)
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