need to write something not-for-points

Oct 03, 2011 18:40

Meme from mizzmarvel:

1.) Give me a pairing.
2.) Give me an AU setting.
3.) I will write you a three-sentence fic.

(I gave her Uncle Jesse/Simon Tam, gladiators, btw. Go now; you can thank me later.)

- Pushing Daisies/Psych, " Emerson/Gus, going shopping"
- SGA/Firefly, "John/Rodney, high class callboys" - companion!AU
- Angel, "Angel/Cordy, the beach" - mermaid!AU
- Dollhouse/NuTrek, "bennett halverson/uhura & doctors" - PWP
- SGA, " John/Rodney, working in a grocery store"
- Firefly/Glee, " Simon Tam/Blaine Anderson, cowboy pirate cosmonauts vs. robot ninjas"
- Firefly/Buffyverse, " Simon Tam/Faith, steam punk future"
- Haven, " Evi/Duke, Tom Petty"
- nuTrek/Firefly, " Bones/Simon. DETECTIVES. WITH FEDORAS"

psych, slash, dollhouse, buffyverse, meme, pushing daisies, sga, star trek, fic, rec, firefly, haven

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