fantasyverse had a genreswap challenge, which is basically my favorite thing 'cause AUs & crossovers ARE my favorite!
BUT I had trouble with it, 'cause I feel like most everything had already been 'done' before, y'know? But then I came up with this, & I was happy! :D :D :D
When Jessica Fletcher retires from her position as leader of the local coven of witches in Cabot Cove, Maine, she decides to write out a copy of her very own Book of Shadows with all the know-how she’s acquired over the years.
The residents of Cabot Cove have always known they were a little bit different than the rest of the world, but when Jessica’s book hits the rest of the nation, they begin to find out just how different!
Despite being retired, Jessica finds herself practicing witchcraft even more often than before, flying around the country to help law enforcement agencies solve exotic problems and occasionally working as a bodyguard to those who find themselves threatened by supernatural forces.
I also made this for a Blingee challenge at
tvrealm, & you might as well consider it as part of the Magic, She Wrote canon.