profligate, photos, psych, phic rec

Aug 22, 2011 22:49

::sigh:: afrocurl is slandering me on Twitter. You think you know someone. ::shakes head::

Someone on my flist linked to these engagement photos, 'cept I don't remember who. Anyway, they're AWESOME. These pictures are my new favorites, though.

I like this Psych fanvid.

The Apocalyptothon archive for this year is open. I adore my story gift, which makes me feel extra guilty about having defaulted (for the first time ever in an exchange! D:). At least my recipient appears to have defaulted, too, or else I'd be crying under my desk RN.

If you like Burn Notice & you like dark!fic, I encourage you to head over to read By Inches by infinimato. (And leave lots of comments!) You won't regret it.

rec, burn notice

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