I'm pretty much a multi-shipper, so this was weird!

Jan 22, 2011 14:47

From emmz13:

Six ships you're into right now.
01 • Mike/Fi/Sam/Jesse (Burn Notice)
02 • Gus/Lassiter (Psych)
03 • Steve/Danny (Hawaii Five-0)
04 • Jack/Liz/Samantha (The Good Guys)
05 • Duke/Audrey/Nathan (Haven)
06 • Jo/Zane (Eureka)

Three ships you liked, but don't anymore.
07 • Jayne/Kaylee (Firefly)
08 • Jack/Allison (Eureka)
09 • Stan/Mary/Marshall (In Plain Sight)

Three ships you never liked.
10 • Fred/Gunn (Angel)
11 • Castle/Beckett (Castle)
12 • Zoe/Zane (Eureka)

Two ships you're curious about, but don't actually ship (yet/now).
13 • Danny/Kono (Hawaii Five-0)
14 • Nathan/Audrey (Haven)

Why do you dislike #11 so much? (Castle/Beckett)
There's an imbalance of power between them that's written into the very fabric of the show. I've covered this lots of times. XD Aside from that... Castle lives to annoy Beckett, and I don't think she deserves that.

Who is someone you know that ships #14? (Nathan/Audrey)
I don't think I do know of anyone that does.

What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3? (Steve/Danny)
Pretty much what's always going on! Snark, banter, differences of opinion, trust, reliance, seekrit admiration.

Which is your favorite moment for couple #1? (Mike/Fi/Sam/Jesse)
Every single one of them? My peeps are badass... I mean... SPOILERS Jesse shooting Mike to save him, and Fi & Sam knowing exactly what he's doing? The whole Kendra capture & interrogation was really neat, seeing Jesse finding his place on the team. /SPOILERS

How long have you been following couple #6? (Jo/Zane)
Well, obviously since it started. But how long have I liked them as a ship? Mostly only this season, really. Or I guess part of last season, too? See, I did not like Zane when he was introduced. I didn't like Jo much in the beginning, either, but she has grown SO MUCH, and the way she's treated him this last season has given Zane the opportunity to really question himself and the way he behaves.

What's the story with #8? What made you stop liking them/caring? (Jack/Allison)
This category was hard for me to fill out. I don't really 'stop' liking ships, I just get... less eager about them, I guess? In this case, it's the same BS that all shows do with their M/F leads UST. They put up so many obstacles that it's like, why bother? They had so much zing & stuff in the beginning, but now it's also hard to respect Allison's choices when she's so wishy-washy & takes so long to decide.

You have the power to make one ship non existent. Choose from #10 or #12: (Fred/Gunn or Zoe/Zane)
They're still sort of skirting around Zoe/Zane, and I wouldn't say it's actually happened yet, and I'm still hoping the writers will come to their senses. XD But Fred/Gunn was so detrimental to Gunn's character -- everything Gunn did became about Fred -- and once Fred broke up with him, the writers pretty much ceased to write him at all. BOOOOOOOO.

Which ship do you prefer #2 or #4? (Gus/Lassiter or Jack/Liz/Samantha)
I guess Gus/Lassiter simply 'cause I like the characters better.

What interests you about #14? (Nathan/Audrey)
They have good chemistry. Audrey isn't as dependent on Nathan as she was at the beginning of the show.

Why did you stop liking #7? (Jayne/Kaylee)
In my head, I used to believe Jayne had a HUGE unrequited crush on Kaylee. I haven't exactly dismissed it as a possibility, but I don't really think about it anymore, either.

Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show? (Stan/Mary/Marshall)
In a way, I guess. The show just more clearly delineated what their roles were in the second & third seasons, which isn't bad. But there was some heavy-handed Mary/Marshall implied UST, and that squicked me out. If they continue with that, I may lose interest in the show altogether.

What’s a song that reminds you of #5? (Duke/Audrey/Nathan)
None in particular. Got any suggestions?

If you could have any of these two pairings double-date, who would it be?
Mike/Fi/Sam/Jesse & Jo/Zane. Sextuple date? :D HIJINKS ENSUE!

Have #2 kissed yet? (Gus/Lassiter)
Depends on which fanfic you read. :D

Did #4 have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely? (Jack/Liz/Samantha)
I haven't seen the end of the show yet! I imagine there is probably a happy ending for Jack/Liz. But Samantha is so cute and earnest and eager, and she deserves a happy ending, too.

What would make you start shipping #13? (Danny/Kono)
Kono having more agency in the stories.

If only one could happen, which would you prefer, #2 or #6? (Gus/Lassiter or Jo/Zane)
I wouldn't actually want Gus/Lassie to happen in canon. To do it up right wouldn't fit the tone of the show (but would make for awesome fic). Plus Jo & Zane need to get back together pronto.

You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them? (Fred/Gunn)
Wes realizes his British repression was transferring his feelings for Gunn onto Fred, and Gunn is like, "Yo, English, what took you so long?" and they run off to some Hellmouth in the midwest and buy a greasy spoon diner and kill demons and help the helpless and have lots of sex. And Fred... goes away. Maybe with the Groosalugg. They help each other get over their inferiority complexes.

Which of these ships do you love the most?
At the moment, Mike/Fi/Sam/Jesse. And there is NO fic for it. SGA fandom has ruined me forever.

h50, eureka, burn notice, teevee, buffyverse, meme, haven

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