the end is the beginning is the end

Jun 13, 2008 18:18

Local news broadcasts are telling survivors to head to the stadium. I guess they figure that since it's baseball season, there will be plenty of nachos, cracker jack, and frozen lemonades to last a while. But I can't help but think that it's a mistake to gather up a crowd of people in one place. So if that's where you are, don't look for me.

Speaking of the news, have you been watching? The demeanor of the anchors is extremely fascinating... there are other things I should be doing, I know, but I can't stop watching. It's like, tucked safely away in their little studios, they are convinced that the events that they're reporting are simply an elaborate hoax.

They showed one reporter in the field, creeping up on a group of the infected with her cameraman, trying to "get a closer look". Of course, the group she was stalking noticed her as soon as she began to speak to the camera, and started heading toward the news crew. The broadcast feed suddenly flipped back to the studio, and do you know what the anchor said? "Thank you, Laura, for that exclusive coverage."

Lady, wherever Laura is, I'm pretty sure that at this moment, the thing she's worried about is not your state of gratitude.

I have to go; I hear something rustling around in the sideyard. It's definitely bigger than a cat. I hope it's the damn skunk I saw a couple months ago.


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