Nov 14, 2005 10:00
You know how people say, "Actions speak louder than words"? That's because we need to see the proof behind the words in order for things to become real to us. Someone can tell you a million times not to play with fire because you'll get burned...but you keep playing with it anyways until it actually happens to you. Is it because it's a challenge, or is it because we are in denial of certain limitations we believe don't apply to us? Either way, it's a letdown when the proof finally does come and backhand us with a nice reality check slap in the face.
On the flip-side of this whole scenario, the outcome can be just the same. Sometimes we DO trust the words of someone without the proof, just to be letdown when we discover that we've been lied to. Often in this situation emotions are involved, and your heart cares so much for a person that you want to believe that they mean what they say, and that they really do have your best intentions in mind. When someone tells you they care about you, you want to believe it. And shouldn't you be able to? Of course you should...but only if the proof is indeed in the pudding.
Unfortunately, the fact of the matter is that there are users out there in this world. They'll say whatever they need to satisfy their own selfish cravings. They'll fatten you up for the kill with their pretty little lies. They'll butter you up until they get what they want, and then all their "I miss & care about you" s become invalidated when they suddenly disappear from your life.
It's almost as if that person died, because they leave your life without warning, but they're still there in your heart. Not only does it feel like that person has died, but it feels like your own spirit has died with them. You feel confused, rejected, angry, shocked, hurt, and ultimately disappointed so deep down inside that you can't even cry.
So what do you start saying the 'coulda, shoulda, wouldas,' and somehow blaming yourself for the jerk-off's disappearance. "If only I would've said this," and "if only I hadn't done that." But, you can NEVER blame yourself for anything except not seeing the signs sooner that the perceived "angel" was indeed an "asshole". That way you could have saved yourself a lot of time and unneccesary heartache.
Really...the only thing to do in this predicament is to LEARN FROM IT. The reality of this world is that there are asshole, selfish, desensitized, manipulative, users out there...and you just need to learn how to spot them before they can cause you any harm. You know the saying..."Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Learn from your bad experience and be thankful that you were finally able to come to the realization that you are WAY too good for that, and WAY too good for them.
Every one of us has so much to give, and it's just not worth it to give so much of yourself to someone who doesn't deserve it. Pay attention to the signs. Pay attention to your intuition. Take off your rose colored glasses and see the picture as it truly is, not how you'd like it to be. Don't waste your time, your money, your gifts, your love, or your life on an unappreciative bastard. Every dog has their day...and when their day does come (and it will), you'll be so far gone living your amazing life and being surrounded by so many appreciative, truly caring people people, that you won't even have a second thought to spare on them. Life is short...don't waste it.