Sep 02, 2009 17:25
[ She's not allowed to tell anyone but she needs to get it out somehow, so Haro's recording her rushing around her room tossing clothes into a duffel bag and half-singing cheerfully ]
No more school, no more school ever! No more stupid trees out the window, no stupid little kids I'm not allowed to run down on my bike! --Wait, ew, space food, I should-- [ runs out of the room for a moment and returns with a package of Oreos and a jar of Nutella, dumps them in the bag, and continues ] No more sitting around watching TV 'cause there's nothing else to do! No more target practice in the yard, I'll have real targets! No more having to get a job, 'cause I'm not...
[ Pauses for a moment, because she would have finished that 'living with Cross' and there are real things she'll miss about that-- shopping, being spoiled, getting to go anywhere she wants without worrying about secrecy-- and people, too. It's not enough for her to choose not to go, but it's enough to make her rummage in her nightstand for paper for a note to Cross, and order ] Haro, change the filter--
[ Locked to Shiro ]
Hey, Shiro? I have to tell you something.
(( Tieria's come to take her back to gundamland! Note for Cross says 'Cross: I'm going back. I've got stuff to do, and I can't tell you what it is or come to visit for a while 'cause it's classified, but if you give my room away to some other girl I'll punch you, you know I'm your cutest fake daughter ever and no way you'll find a better one! -Nena♥' ALSO I AM STILL GETTING TO THOSE PROMPTS ON MY LAST ENTRY ))
kind of sort of in hiding,
i love my gundam,
good thing cross thinks i'm cute,