Dec 05, 2004 13:01
I got the contracted position with benefits and I got a raise *woot* now running at $13hr they want me to cover my normal shift for as long as I can before and after the semester. Which is going to be sweet money wise, though, now I will get paid monthly which is kind of creepy. So atleast during the summer break I will be able to work 40hr sometimes OT at my new current rate...which will be nice for vacation.
I start school January 24th at GMU with night classes all in Psych...I am going to go and see which classes I like and which will be unbearable with work etc...and do as much as I can without burning myself out to a crispy critter. ;)
Christmas is coming (YAY!) one of the better reasons to work for the county we have days off and now I will get paid for them LOL! I never realized you get paid for first job to accumulate sick leave etc...that is kind of cool. When my eval happens it is the fiscal raise for us I have been assured by a boss over my own two, that I could ask for more on my merit for my experience and references.
During the worst week when I even had to open which I did for the first time, John was amazing he would make dinner for me since I woke up at 6:30am usually by 3 I was like THE DAY WILL NEVER END. That of course was because we were between catalogs and there was hardly any business other than evaluations *shudders* they just suck any life out of you(especially shifts where you open at 7:30am and close at 9pm). So it was nice to coming home and having food where I didn't have to rummage to find something. Then spend time with him after the shift made the days alot more tolerable waiting for the nights like that. :)