Title: By the Light of the Jellicle Moon
merry_gentryFandom: TV - Leverage
Pairing/Characters: Gen, team!fic, mention of Maggie
Rating: PG/pg-13
Word Count: 602 - according to Word
Disclaimer: Not mine...damnit!
Author's Notes: Written for a prompt on
comment_fic for
scarlet_gryphon - Leverage, team, the AU where they're all cats. So, very severely AU, then. Title inspired by, if not directly filched from, T S Eliot's 'Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats' and the musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber.
Summary: Some cats think that he must be part mountain lion and some meow that he once took down a wolf.
Eliot's a big Maine coon cat - huge and fierce with shaggy fur. Some cats think that he must be part mountain lion and some meow that he once took down a wolf (two, three, an entire pack). He patrols the roofs and alleys on Nate's orders, though, and he's a lot gentler than he might otherwise be when he tumbles the kittens down into a giggling, mewling pile. When he meows, it sounds like a growl and Alec, the little black kitten that follows the equally tiny tortoiseshell-coloured Parker around, thinks that Eliot is just amazing.
"…and then he went grr and pounced an' the rat went eek and died an' there was blood everywhere," he mews as Ms Sophie tries to groom him. She’s not very good at it, but no one meows anything when Alec's fur ends up all licked and standing up on end because Ms Sophie might be a gorgeously fluffy pedigree Persian, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have claws and teeth just as sharp as the ones everyone else has.
"I wish you wouldn't kill vermin in front of the kittens," Ms Sophie hisses delicately, pausing her grooming briefly to glance up at Eliot.
"They've got to learn sometime," he retorts, shrugging. He darts a paw to the side and scoops up Parker by the scruff of her neck as she tries to sneak off. Eliot deposits her back between his front paws and his tail lashes a little in amusement. Parker hates bath time.
"I'm not a kitten, Ms Sophie," Alec mewls plaintively. "I'm very nearly fully-grown. Honest!"
"Of course you are," Ms Sophie meows back, a note of placation in the tone of her meow, "now hold still."
Behind Eliot, Nate sneezes a laugh as he leaps up to join them. Nate's little Sammy had been run over before he'd even been a year old, and his mate had run away from home and the city and into the Wild. Eliot had searched and searched for Maggie but he hadn't been able to catch a glimpse or a sniff of her. He’d come back seven months after he'd left, limping and with two tiny month-old kittens and refused to say what had happened to their momma.
Nate hadn't taken to Alec and Parker at first but now he flops down next to Eliot and lets Parker climb over him until she's perched on his head.
"Bath time?" Nate asks, yawning and showing his teeth.
"Yup," Eliot sighs, giving up on corralling Parker for the moment. He stands to stretches out the kinks in his back and then noses at Nate's side until he can curl up alongside the older tom. This rooftop's deserted enough that it's okay for them to rest all at once but Eliot's ears remain pricked and sensitive to the slightest noise.
Parker's sleepy and pliant by the time Sophie's finished with Alec and it's her turn. Alec squirms down in between Nate and Eliot and Nate hisses in amusement and lifts a leg so Alec can snuggle in. He licks Alec's little pink nose and then Eliot's in a friendly check that everything's okay before he settles down again.
Eliot shifts only when Ms Sophie comes over to drop Parker unceremoniously in the middle of the pile before pushing her way into the huddle, and even then he makes sure that he's as close as possible. Come daybreak, Ms Sophie and Nate will head back to their humans for food and a sleep and Eliot will take Alec and Parker somewhere to practise their pouncing but, for now, it's naptime.
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