Sep 25, 2008 00:51

Cut for spoilers:

Seriously - fab season opener! I was worried, but I loved it!

And, if that was really Cote at the beginning? Man, that girl can sing!

And the 'B-team'! *snicker* Ducky rocks - and, yes, there is such a thing as an A+ team. And we missed them deeply.

I adore McGee. It was official before, but now? Oh, so very much more. *giggles* 'Boss' of the geeks-in-da-basement! ^_^

I don't like the new director - Vance - at the moment. Yes, I know he was trying to solve the whole case, but just letting McGee in on it? Stupid, stupid man. At least Gibbs from the beginning, and then he would have known what to look out for, and the whole thing would have been wrapped up sooner. A lot sooner. He's still better than Shepard, though. A sea-snail would've made a better director than Shepard! (And apologies to any major Shepard fans out there - you need help! Kidding!)

Oh, Tony-onna-boat! Poor boy.

McGee - "Are you alone?"
Tony - "Just me and 5000 of my closest friends...I am NEVER alone! I really need to come home, boss."
Gibbs - "Working on it."

Because he is. And Tony needs to trust that. And then the whole calling Gibbs 'Dad' and 'Pa' and referring to McGee as his brother. Because, really? They are one very close-knit (and very f'ed up) family - despite my tendencies to slash Gibbs and Tony like there's no tomorrow. 'I miss you too, dad.' And he misses you, Tony. In fact, this whole bit? Favourite part of the entire episode. McGee calling Tony a girl? I love a McGeek with backbone!

Tony - "Is this hacking, McGee? Are we hacking?"
McGee - "We are not hacking, Tony."
Tony - "But it is illegal, right? Don't answer that, I know it's illegal. I'm having fun!"
(Oh, Tony, you are such a child! ^_^)

Tony - "Well, it's been great talking with you, Pa. Thanks Tim. You know I love you guys, it's just that Tim always messes my stuff up. He doesn't know how to shift gears, he doesn't change the oil. Make sure you feed the chickens. Say hi to Ma!" (Please bear in mind - we're using the 'Ma' analogy for Abby! Dear lord, my fandom is crack!)
McGee - "He's insane."
Gibbs - "Oh, yeah."
McGee - "Look after yourself, Tony. Don't fall overboard, okay?"
Tony - "I'm more likely to jump."
Gibbs - "DiNozzo."
Tony - "Pa?"
Gibbs - "Take care of yourself."
Tony - "Miss you too, dad."

And Abby! With her Wall-of-Missing. And the postcards! *beams in adoration* Because she would keep count, and then have complete and utter faith in Gibbs' ability to bring them back. Even with a countdown. Abby rocks.

Palmer...oh, Palmer. You are so naive! And that's going to get you seriously hurt one of these days. Or, you know, fired, you rule breaker, you!

And the ending? With the Tony-wannabe agent and Lee? (And, seriously, anyone who doesn't want to be spoiled? this is your last warning!) At first I was 'oooh - Agent Lee! Someone save her!' and then she saved herself. And was thoroughly hugged by Gibbs. And I cheered (in my head, because I watched it at gone midnight, and my sister's asleep in the next room) and I wanted her to become the fifth member of the team because she did, indeed, rock.

And then came the flashback and the text that prompted the subject line of this entry. And, while I hate for sweet, innocent Lee to not be so very sweet and innocent, it reminded me of just how much I adore NCIS and why. It is so very unpredictable...most of the time. And whoever told me I have to wait three months for the next episode? I will kill you for tormenting me unnecessarily! XD

*bows* The End! ^_^

I know some people won't want to read this because of, you know, SPOILERS, or because they don't watch NCIS (if you don't, you should!), but if you do, I'd love to hear your thoughts! ^_^ Slash-friendly, natch.

fandom: ncis, fandom: episode notes, other: spoilers

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