Title: Re-awakening
Author: Katty, aka
merry_gentry Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG-13/12...whatever *g*
Disclaimer: Not mine...darnit! ^_^
Summary: Jack and Ianto finally get that date.
Author's Notes: Written for
geordie_star. Hope this is alright, darling!
The next time they’re in a cinema, it’s a list of afters for Ianto.
After Owen and after Tosh (and that still hurts, as much as he tries to hide it). After Grey and the whole mess that seemed to make up Jack’s mysterious family history.
After nearly two thousand years, from Jack’s perspective, of being buried under six feet of Cardiff sod, continuously being suffocated to death and brought back to life with a mouthful of dirt.
And Ianto can’t kid himself that that kind of thing doesn’t have an effect on a person, even someone as strong and resilient as Jack.
After Lisa - although that’s well in past now, and Ianto can think of her fondly without shrinking from the memory of her after. After the heart-rending feeling of betrayal that Jack’s flight has faded and been replaced by the sheer adrenaline rush of working-shagging-adoring this fantastic, amazing man every day.
After Ianto has persuaded Jack that perhaps it might be helpful to have the strange and mildly psychotic Captain John close to hand, if not part of the actual team, just in case. God knows, they could use the help.
It’s a date. An old-fashioned, dinner-and-a-movie date. Jack had used it as a bribe to get Ianto out of the Hub for something other than yet another mission, Ianto knows that, but it doesn’t help the dull feeling that has lurked in the pit of his stomach since they buried Tosh.
Dinner was nice - not too formal - and the film they’re watching is some appropriately meaningless romantic pap.
It’s not until Jack does the clichéd stretch of the arms, one wrapping around Ianto’s shoulders, and the captain leans across in the dark cinema - stale popcorn and industrial fabric cleaner mingling with that unidentifiable Jack-scent - to land a chaste kiss on Ianto’s closed mouth that Ianto realises something.
The numbness has gone; replaced by a slow re-awakening of the rush that being around Jack brings. Ianto smiles and turns slightly, tucking into Jack’s side as much as the armrest between them will allow.
It feels like something new.