This "news" story made me laugh...

Dec 10, 2008 13:44

BERLIN (AP) - German is famous for its long words - and today's youth are just as adept at creating new ones as their predecessors, to judge by a poll released Wednesday by the publishers of Langenscheidt dictionaries.

Judges chose "gammelfleischparty", or "spoiled meat party," - an unflattering term for a gathering of people over 30 - as the "youth word of the year 2008." The word "gammelfleisch" was in the news frequently during the year when it was discovered that meat packers had been regularly supplying some kebab restaurants with past-due products.

"Bildschirmbraeune" or "screen tan" - referring to the complexion of someone who spends too much time at a computer - came second, while "unterhopft," meaning "underhopped," or in need of a beer, took third.

I think "unterhopft" is a fantastic word and can totally get behind using it. Nobody can sum up abstract concepts of existing in a single word as well the Germans - to wit, schadenfreude, Umwelt, Heimweh, Weltanschauung...

random fluff, humor

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