Mar 16, 2006 01:31
So I have decided to write a bit of a rant. As of late, I have been forced into dealing with situations that I haven't particularly wanted to deal with. Mostly this deals with people and their drugs or their alcohol. Now don't get me wrong, in no ways am I saying that alcohol is the ultimate evil but it is pretty close to it in many ways. Personally, I will drink once in a blue moon. I drank a whole bunch on my birthday and prior to that, I believe it was october and prior to that was well, I can't even remember. So my personal addictions aside *which if you don't know reside solely in caffeine and nicotine*, I have a pretty firm stance when it comes to drugs and mostly alcohol. I understand we live in a society where people like to indulge and sadly, I cannot stop that. But what I do feel I am entitled to stop is people either A) telling me about how they got high and a story they deem as comical or B) doing it basically right in front of me. Both of which I find to be rather disrespectful. Now, this also comes within guidelines and circumstances. Certain people, I expect nothing of. If we are passing friends, acquaintances or just coffee friends, I will sit there, I will fake a laugh and I will change the subject as soon as I can simply because I do not want to be constantly standing on my soap box. Now if provoked, I will state my stance but otherwise, I keep to myself, minus my close friends. My close friends, I expect more from them, I expect the respect that I give them by not making them deal with my mental instabilities. I do not force things that I know will bother other people, or at least try not to. By no means am I claiming perfection but I just feel as though that I've always been asked to compromise my beliefs because "that's what I should do" or so I've been told when no one is compromising to me. Like I had previously stated, I cannot stop my friends from doing drugs, there is only one person that I could ever expect that of and that is anyone I am romantically linked with but that is set up from the beginning and I am VERY clear on that issue. But to do it in front of me, or to tell me or to think its funny and to brag about it infront of me I find to be hurtful and I will no longer stand for it, I have bitten my tongue to the point where I am drowning in blood and I will not anymore.