Mar 05, 2010 03:27
I started with pondering how to plausibly incorporate cowboy hats, gunplay, a table, and a beat-up old jeep into one instance of gay mercenary future sex. I ended on the specific circumstances in which Zack is cool with knifeplay that draws blood.
His nitpicky conditions: It can only be a scalpel, or something similar, with a small, smooth, precise cutting edge. He must be completely certain that the blade is clean. It can only be done in an extremely slow, meticulous, precise manner. Said knifeplay may never be done as part of any intimidation, mindfuck, or any other psychological purposes, and can absolutely never ever EVER be a surprise. Now surprise knives are cool so long as they're clearly just meant to be pretty and scary to look at and stay far away from the surface of Zack's body, but he so much as sees Jason bring a blade within three inches of his skin and Niobe will be the first word out of his mouth. Because it does seriously scare the hell out of him in a way that's not fun to play with. He trusts Jason enough to find scary things enjoyable when he knows Jason's completely composed and serious and actively mitigating all risks, but he does not trust wicked-mode Jason to play with big pointy knives. Oh, and he must also be totally sure that Jason is not drunk or high. That would just be really, really ugly.
Obviously it's not even an issue with Jackie, seeing as the thought of knifeplay kind of makes Jackie want to vomit or call the cops or vomit on the cops.
Arkady, though, now that might be another story... then again Zack never got to make the rules with Arkady anyway.
Largely unrelated updates; I'm now working on a hopefully REALLL NOVELLL with a certain Voltaire Marlowe (a friend a real live one not the two dead dudes I swear). Sublimation it be called (chemistry FTW!) and it contains mercenaries and scientists and adorable man-eating greyhound/fox/killer-rabbits and hermaphroditic parahumans and a robot girlfriend.
Hypothetical Sublimation taglines:
"Chemists do it on a table periodically. Most of the time it's the mercenaries."
"Please don't feed the genetically modified housepets."
"It's not discrimination if you offend everybody."
"When climate change drowns the coasts and the pharmaceutical industry perpetually has everyone comfortably numb, take consolation at least in the anarchic hermaphroditic parahumans."
"Don't. Trust. Redheads. Just don't."
"Daddy didn't hug ME either!"
"Zak doesn't die this time! Zack, on the other hand..."
I'm seriously consider getting back into Runaway Tales. Partially a matter of whether my co-author will allow me to post stuff from the novel, hrmmmm.