Here I'll try to keep an updated index of all my stories and characters, and all the pieces of writing I've posted in various places on Livejournal (currently just my main journal and
runaway_tales). All pieces of writing posted in my journal have the tag "fiction".
Ohio Crew is a group of characters living in the Columbus, OH area. It's not really a story about anything.
There are two very connected but more or less distinct groups, one centering on Aubrey and one on Zack. Aubrey's group includes Sam, Sarah, Cally, Kit, Rebecca and Jonathan (Mr. and Mrs. Garnier). Zack's group includes Jason, Joseph, Mel, and Jackie.
The tag in my journal for this group is "ohio". I've posted three stories and one drawing related to this group (note that ones in RaTs may be memberlocked):
Manual Fixation Shoulders Elbows Knees Nepenthe Exterminate! Sublimation is a Real Novel that I'm writing with my friend Voltaire. Don't expect much of it here, but it sets the stage for two of my other stories, Polyethylene and the Heresy, which are also described in that post. These three stories are set in about 2050-2065; Sublimation is very sci-fi, Polyethylene is made of social psychology and twenty-first century breakdown, and the Heresy is kind of Polyethylene plus mysticism and prophecies and deities.
No stories posted here yet for these.
Threefold Revolution is a convoluted story about a group of revolutionaries, three worlds, and above-worldly powers. It's a mix of high and low fantasy, with some political sentiments.
Nothing posted here yet, but expect that to change. The tag for this story in my journal will be "revolutionaries".
Here I have a master list of all
prompts and challenges I've completed.