Got a couple shots yesterday, yay.

Dec 11, 2021 09:02

I battled inertia (the main reason I haven't been posting I have a consistent lack of energy spoons), the Walgreens pharmacy website (which only works on the browser I don’t normally use), failed to contact taxi driver after setting the vaccine appointment, failed to get Lyft that one of the vaccine sites said would give free or reduced fare rides only after putting in the info it said 'nope we don’t have anyone signed up in your area', put in for Uber and got as far as putting in my phone number on the site (later i discovered they’d texted me a super secret code I was supposed to not share with anyone but since I hadn’t got any further than that I ignored it) and figured let me try my neighbor.

I’d set the appt for 2 hours in advance which I thought would be enough time, but neighbor was doing something and would have to be later so I went back to the website but couldn’t figure out how to cancel it, so I said fuggit and made ANOTHER appt and called neighbor and he said ok, that’s fine, but I have no AC in the car, will you mind?

and I’m no problem, and I gave him the address and he was, um… I don’t know where that is, maybe we better go early to be sure, so ok, I went to Mapquest and did the route. It was basically get on the main road, drive straight for about 3 minutes, turn right at the Walgreens on the corner and you're there

, so I get in the back seat, neighbor is in the front with his wife driving. he said he’d been working on his other car but dropped a ladder on his foot (I did not ask what a ladder had to do with working on a car) and I tried to put on the seatbelt… no seatbelt. He had removed the left and right seatbelts so ok, he’ll pull out the middle one… but it didn’t work either and I’m ok, it’s fine, I don’t need a seatbelt it's not far and we're not going fast

so we get there and I go in and there’s hardly anyone waiting to be served at the pharmacy and I’m like 40 minutes early, and there’s at least 6 employees coming in and out of the pharmacy, so… I wait and I wait and I wait, and they Slooooooooooooowwwwllly handle customers

(no lie, 20 minutes for one man sitting in his car at the drive thru window waiting for his prescription only for her come back and tell him 21 cents and he’s ??? 'oh, yeah, we don’t have enough to fill your prescription so it’s just a few to tide you over come back on Monday')

finally I get my turn and give my ID and vaccine card and appt. reservation number and she hands me papers to fill out. I said, I already printed them out and filled them out and she was 'oh, but we need to keep these', and I’m 'yes, that’s why I filled them out, just check that I did it right, ok?' SO ok, she looks it over and sends me to sit down nearby and wait,

and wait

and observe… most people were wearing either black or gray… I wonder why is it style- since I haven't been out of the house in 2 years I really wouldn't notice if the world went Goth…

and if I WANTED I could have memorized the code to unlock the pharmacy door since I kept seeing them enter, beep beep beep boop boop beep Click….

and I wait… and I wait… and my neighbor and his wife are waiting in the car because without AC they had the windows down (I’m not honestly sure the windows roll up… the dashboard was held together with silver duct tape)

and I wait… and they call my name and tell me 'she has to mix up the vaccine you need to wait a little while longer', so another 15 minutes or so goes by I finally get in and tell her I want the flu shot too, and she’s 'ok, it’ll just be a few minutes', she gives me the Pfizer and i go back outside to my lonely chair to wait some more….

so another 15 minutes or so, I get the flu shot and I’m curious she uses the thermometer gun on me first to check for fever I suppose I asked what my temp was she shows me 98. So I guess I chilled down, either that or I’m naturally cool.

Go out to waiting neighbors, thank god, get in the car for what should be less than 5 minute ride.


OMG OMG OMG OMG…. literally hundreds of freight cars, cars loaded with sand, tanker cars… SO LONG SO LONG…

And I finally got home around 4pm (my appointment was for 2:15, but as I said, I got there 40 minutes ahead of time).

My neighbors were saints. They didn’t even get upset about the horrible waiting...

So, today I have no sense of smell and the arm that got the Covid-Booster shot is a little sore, and I'm feeling tired, but overall, no biggie. Here's hoping I start getting energy again. Lately all I've been up for has been the minimum of daily necessities, plus making designs for Spoonflower. This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID. I'm disabling comments on LJ as I can no longer read comments there.
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