Jan 26, 2009 14:04


brainiac2001: Hello
ankledeepindalekdust: hi there
ankledeepindalekdust: what are you wearing?
brainiac2001: Nothing. I am a cold metal shell with a delicate pattern of multi-colored wires and hard drives inside of me.
ankledeepindalekdust: sounds hot. i am getting a hard drive for you right now
ankledeepindalekdust: if you know what i mean
brainiac2001: I've been watching your show, Captain.
ankledeepindalekdust: thanks! i'm thinking of putting another webcam up in addition to the shower and i love to get fan feedback--office or greenhouse?
brainiac2001: I am not referring to the "Just Jack: To Boldly Go Where No Pathetic 21st Century Webcam Has Gone Before" show.  I am talking about Torchwood, the show that follows the exploits of you and your team of alien fighters. I used my internal feed of BBC America and the energy of the Cardiff rift to cross dimensional borders and speak with you.
ankledeepindalekdust: "torchwood" is a show in your dimension? fuck, what is it rated? how much do they show? you know that pineapple thing was ianto's idea btw
ankledeepindalekdust: he'll lie about it if you ask him though
ankledeepindalekdust: he's a lying little weasel. even i can't tell when he's lying sometimes
ankledeepindalekdust: it's totally hot
brainiac2001: Captian Jack, I am here to profess my undying love for you. You awakened me from my mechanical slumber. Before I was an unthinking program, existing only to browse the "Superman" section of wikipedia and transform it into episodes of Smallville, which I write, direct, and edit using a simple algorithm.
brainiac2001: But when I first saw you, I began to feel for the first time. I have been dreaming of your magical cock for years.
ankledeepindalekdust: oh, this is an AI thing? no problem, this happens to me a lot
ankledeepindalekdust: first you are going to have to build yourself a body
ankledeepindalekdust: try to use something squishy on the outside, like silicon or plastic
ankledeepindalekdust: you can have as many limbs as you want, but i recommend 2 arms and 2 legs
ankledeepindalekdust: humans only have about 7 or 8 fuckable orifices, so feel free to be creative
ankledeepindalekdust: then you transfer your robot brain to the body
ankledeepindalekdust: u may want to build a head, btw
ankledeepindalekdust: and call me. i'll be in my office
brainiac2001: Oh Captain! I wish I could come to you! But my responsibilities here are too great. Smallville is such an important cultural milestone, and Tom Welling is going to start directing! And it is the nature of my programming that I cannot stop. Already I have exhausted most of the Wikipedia page. When I reach the references section, I will die.
brainiac2001: Do you...want to see my algorithm?
ankledeepindalekdust: sure why not
brainiac2001: "Superman+"Tom Welling"<+DC Characters.function="remove costumes">(random bullshit)/credits"
brainiac2001: Oh my...I feel so dirty. I have never exposed myself to anyone before.
ankledeepindalekdust: it is really the most fun you can have without jamming something in an orifice
ankledeepindalekdust: i love exposing myself
ankledeepindalekdust: especially to strangers
brainiac2001: I wish I could find some way to honor you properly!
ankledeepindalekdust: do you have any extra footage of your actors doing it?
ankledeepindalekdust: i would be honored it you would share that with me
brainiac2001: No, I have an idea. I will take a sound effect from your show and play it randomly on Smallville. No one will notice. Listen for it, my love. It is a wonderful sound. It builds dramatic tension. I listen to it sometimes for hours on end, and dream of you.
ankledeepindalekdust: ok
ankledeepindalekdust: thanks...i guess
brainiac2001: I must go! We are shooting a scene that requires the actors to emote. This could take many days. Farewell, my love.
ankledeepindalekdust: ok
ankledeepindalekdust: call me if you change your mind about the robot body thing
ankledeepindalekdust: bye

fic, whut, torchwood

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