01. What time did you wake up this morning?
The alarm went off at 7. I finally woke up around 7:30.
02. What did you have for breakfast?
Organic Crispy Rice & Peanut Butter Bar
03. What time did you go to bed?
Early… I can’t remember.
04. What is the tastiest food you ate in the last week?
The chicken parmigana & strawberry spinach salad at K Café.
05. How often do you brush your teeth each day?
At least three times, sometimes more.
06. What kind of toothpaste do you use?
Colgate Herbal Whitening.
07. What color is your toothbrush?
Peridot green and white. Matches the toothpaste tube, actually.
08. What kind of shampoo / conditioner / soap do you use? I like to mix it up, so I don’t just stick to one brand.
09. How many times a day do you pee?
It varies. Should I be keeping count?
10. Could you pass a drug test right now?
11. When was the last time you drank alcohol?
Friday night
12. Do you smoke cigarettes?
13. If so what kind and how many? I mainly smoke Number 7s, but I am not a brand loyalist. I smoke between 10 and 20 ciggies a day.
14. Do you have any pets?
Two kitties, Zoe Hunter and Pandora Pixel
15. What's your marital status?
According to the government I’m married. According to me I am very very attached.
16. Who do you live with?
The person I’m attached to and his son.
17. Do you have a job?
18. Are you still in school?
19. What do you want to be when you grow up?
20. How athletic are you?
Not very.
21. What religion are you?
I haven’t a religion.
22. How spiritual do you consider yourself to be?
I am very spiritual.
23. Who do you admire?
Good question. I have no idea.
24. What sort of car do you drive?
It’s a crappy Plymouth neon.
25. How old were you when you started school?
26. How do you sleep?
”thanks to things called insomia, whenever i can” ß am keeping the answer of the guy I stole this from b/c I like it.
30. If you can cook, what's your trademark dish?
Pasta Marengo
31. Are you good at budgeting money?
Quite good. Sticking to the budget is another story completely. ;)
32. What's your nickname? I've got a couple. There's Helly Belly or just Helly and there there are Little One and Little Red. The last two are only used by very select groups of people.
34. How many cavities do you have?
None, cuz they’ve all got fillings. :p
35. Do you plan on having children?
36. What would most people be surprised to know about you?
That despite my outlook on the environment, animal rights, etc. I think Greenpeace is a despicable organization that should be disbanded ASAP.
37. What sort of telephone do you have?
I do not have one.
38. What's on your desk?
A calendar, peach hand lotion, a plastic furby, a squeezy stress toy, a yellow foam formula 1 racing car, pictures, Body Shop Lip Butter in “Nut”
39. Do you collect anything?
Just scars and dust.
40. What's your favorite movie? I don't think I've got a favourite. Hmm... there are some that I enjoy a lot, but favourite?! I dunno...
41. How about your favorite *scary* movie?
Gimme all four of the Alien series movies! They aren’t that scary, but…
42. Do you have an accent?
I sure do. Give me a call and I’ll let you listen.
43. How many message boards do you post at?
One, soon to be none.
44. Do you have your own website?
Nope, but I’m working on that.
45. Describe your dream wedding.
I’d really rather not.
46. Do you lick your envelopes, or wet them with a sponge?
Wet em. Envelope glue makes me want to toss cookies.
50. If you were someone else, would you be friends with you?
Yep. I think I’m pretty cool, whatever cool means.
51. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Nope. I believe in lust at first sight though.
52. Speaking of love, have you ever fallen for someone?
53. Are your parents still married?
54. What do you consider to be the single most useful kitchen appliance?
I get by with stove, oven and refrigerator. Oh, and toaster. And microwave. Damnit all, this question is fucking stupid!
55. Do you have a best friend?
I have a couple of best friends.
56. Favorite colour?
I like periwinkle blue and yellow.
57. What will you be doing in an hour? Leaving the slow grinding monotony that is work today.
58. Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
In Ireland raising a couple of kids.
59. When was the last time you spent the night in a hospital?
July 2002
62. What's your favourite snack?
I’m not sure. I like a lot of different things.
63. What was your fourth grade teacher's name?
Mr. House. He was a complete asshole who screamed, danced and broke off yard sticks across students’ desks.
64. Have you taken your SATs?
Nope. I’m a Canadian.
65. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Conservative estimate… 25 pairs.
66. What is the last name on your caller ID?
I haven’t any caller ID. I haven’t a phone, remember?
67. Have you ever been arrested?
68. Would you rather use powdered or liquid chocolate in your milk? Liquid. It blends easier.
69. What's your favourite breakfast food? Stuffed french toast with real maple syrup and bacon.
70. Where do you buy most of your clothes? Most of my clothing comes from eclipse, Ricki's and Garage Clothing Co.
71. Have you ever stolen anything?
Just hearts.
72. What's your favourite book? Still Life with Woodpecker by Tom Robbins.
73. What are you wearing right now? Black pants with vine & flower embroidery all over (in black), moss green sweater.
74. How many times did you fail your driver's test before you got your license? None. Got my license on the first go.
77. Do you download MP3s even though they're illegal? I am in Canada where CanCopy laws as well as the tax I pay on blank recording media somewhat cover my ass. As long as I am in my home and native land I am protected from those would be prosecutors who would have the world believe I'm a theif. :D
78. What is your favourite TV show?
I don't have one. I rarely watch TV.
79. How often do you bathe? Every day or every second day, depending.
80. When was the last time you went swimming? Long time. I can't swim.
81. Have you ever had to share a bedroom?
With my sister when we were young and with Jon now. He's quite good about the fact that my stuff pushes his to the periphery.
82. Do you like being alone? Sometimes.
83. Would you rather cough or sneeze? Rather cough or a sn...?!? WTF? What kind of a question is that?! Would you rather take a piss or a shit? If your body must do it, let the body do it. *shrug*
84. What is your favorite flavor of kool-aid? The blue Blast-Off kind.
85. Do you prefer vacuums with bags or without? I don't care.
86. Do you like cleaning? I do. Lets me think.
87. In ten words, describe your personality: Nope. I shall have none of this reductionist nonsense today!
88. What is your favorite computer game to play? Neverwinter Nights.
89. How many windows do you have open right now?
90. What is your favourite music video?
I don't have one.
91. Have you ever fired a gun? No.
92. What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment?
Choosing not to let the past trip me up anymore.
93. Do you drink coffee in the morning? Hell, yes. All day long, too.
94. Do you make your bed every morning? No. I don't make my bed at all.
95. What brand of TV, stereo, and DVD player do you have?
Samsung, dunno, and Toshiba
96. What's your favorite type of soda?
Coca Cola Classic
97. What is your greatest passion? Life in general.
98. How many icons are on your desktop? I don't know and I'm not going to count.
99. What is your name? Helen
100. Why do you fill out surveys?
Because I'm at work on a slow day and am bored out of my flipping mind!