Sep 14, 2004 15:17
Hey to everyone back at SWGC. You know y'all want some procrastination material. Here we go:
1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that are true about you.
3. Replace the items that are not true.
01. I’m not missing anyone right now. Matter of fact, I’m wishing certain people would just get outta mah face!
02. I want a Canadian diamond in a platinum band.
03. I want more memory for my camera.
04. I love being up and on the go.
05. I love shoes.
06. I have a job that allows me to work on my more important work, writing. :D
07. I am addicted to cigarettes.
08. I wish I could afford to buy houses in St. John’s, the English countryside, Agios Nikolas Crete, someplace in Australia and Saltspring Island, B.C.
09. I prefer Coke over Pepsi.
10. Most of my clothes are black, white and neutral shades.
11. My music collection is unorganized.
12. People comment on how petite I am.
13. I am a Homebody. I'd rather stay home than go out till the wee hours.
14. I am in love with someone.
15. I wish I could buy a new car right now.
16. I’ve two cats.
17. I love Autumn.
18. I love the smell of the forest.
19. I need to organize my study.
20. I have a spouse. Common-law, but he’s still a spouse.
21. I like a varied range of music.
22. I worry too much at times.
23. I love driving.
24. My feelings of paranoia are generally proven merited with time.
25. I want a quiet, private wedding.
26. I would love to tour the entire country of Ireland.
27. I could care less what any celebrity does with their life.
28. I can talk really, really fast all the time.
29. I cannot say that I love any celebrity.
30. I wish I had more money.
31. I love Italian food.
32. I have one sibling, a sister.
33. I'm artistically inclined.
34. I prefer the corruption of experience to the innocence of youth.
35. I wish my boss would stop questioning every answer I give him when I know I’m right.
36. I have no particular religious affiliation.
37. I think cloudberries aka bakeapples aka whatsit berries are delish!
38. I'll try most things at least once.
39. I am not easily amused.
40. I have a hard time telling people what I really feel.
41. I want to buy my parents a new home.
42. There aren't any movies out right now that I want to see.
43. I can't wait until I get my degree.
44. I can't wait to see Ireland.
45. I can't figure skate.
46. I don’t like George W Bush.
47. I’m proud to be one in a long line of Newfoundlanders to be raised in captivity since 1949.
48. I wish passport application forms were quicker and easier to complete.
49. Eggplant is good if you salt it, let it sit then rinse before preparing it.
50. I’m irritated when people express how “different” or “strange” they believe themselves to be.
51. I don't like kids dressing older than their age.
52. I like boys with red hair.
53. I like to buy things online sometimes, but I prefer to shop in real stores.
54. I love giving presents to other people.
55. I have been to London, UK.
56. I love cookies.
57. I don't like people who try hard to keep others out.
58. I wish Greenpeace would disappear from the face of the planet. When the hell did it become ok to treat human beings like shit for a cause?
59. I love Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows.
60. I wish I didn't suffer from mood swings.
61. I have mild allergies.
62. I have no phone whatsoever right now.
63. I hate my identification card photo.
64. I don't shop a lot online.
65. I get sea sick occasionally on boats.
66. I have not seen the Animatrix.
67. I think McDonald’s is a scum sucking corporation that abuses and mistreats employees, children, animals… hell, the whole world in general.
68. I love going to the gym.
69. I hate having things remain unresolved.
70. If there’s something I want to do and no one will come, I will go by myself.
71. I’ve had my driver’s license for 9 years.
72. A guy can't go wrong in a suit.
73. I always dreamed of a big wedding... now I want something small and intimate.
74. I misplace things a lot.
75. I love being able to do stuff to help out my friends.
76. My toenails are painted.
77. I have a lot to learn.
78. I'd like to have more time in which to do work.
79. I like meeting new people.
80. I have no idea how many mp3s I have.
81. I can type pretty fast.
82. I don’t bother with the mail, as I know it is mostly flyers, bills and “Dear Occupant” things.
83. I have a horrible sweet tooth.
84. I shop at Wal-Mart as little as possible. Support Canadian business!
85. I want to travel the world with an entourage like a celebrity. (Jon will be my personal trainer. Dwayne and Matt will be my tech support. Catherine will be my choreographer. Carrie will be my chef. Logan will be my personal entertainer. Ben will be the scribe.
86. I prefer when my s.o. cooks b/c they are better at it than I.
87. I have a permanent address that is not my parents’.
88. I have contact lenses.
90. I have soft skin.
91. I like the job I currently have.
92. I can whistle to a horse, but cannot whistle a tune.
93. I love to sing, regardless of who is around or what they think of it.
94. I take Tylenol for headaches only when I cannot take time to sleep the headache off first. Lately it’s been more Tylenol for me.
95. I am completely over a boy that I thought I would like forever.
96. I would love to have children someday.
97. I hate it when people walk slowly and block my path when I'm trying to get somewhere.
98. I don't mind being behind the scenes, sometimes.
99. I'm always irritated when my phone rings at dinner time.
100. I have never needed braces for my teeth.