Gaking from erlking

Oct 23, 2004 10:03

Hardback or paperback? Both.

Highlight or underline? Underline.

Lewis or Tolkien? Tolkien.

E.B.White or A.A. Milne? "White. Every kid should read Charlotte's Web." <-- I agree with erlking.

T.S. Eliot or e.e. cummings? T.S. Eliot, without hesitation.

Stephen King or Dean Koontz? Stephen King. I've only read one Dean Koontz book and I hated it.

Barnes & Nobles or Borders? We don't have either here!

Waldenbooks or B Dalton? We don't have these either!

Fantasy or science fiction? Science fiction over fantasy any day of the week. Fantasy tends to be too convention and cliche filled for my liking.

Horror or suspense? Suspense. Horror is ... boring. Gore for the sake of gore. What's the point?

Bookmark or dog-ear? Bookmarks, always. Sometimes I use odd bits of paper instead of a proper bookmark. To be honest, dog-eared pages irk me.

Hemingway or Faulkner? The jury is out on this one. I don't think I've read enough of either to really make a choice.

Fitzgerald or Steinbeck? Fitzgerald.

Homer or Plato? Homer.

Chaucer or Edmund Spenser? Chaucer for the pure enjoyment factor. His characters and their tales are just... fun! Spenser and his Faerie Queen (Elizabeth) is just too dry and ... dull.

Pen or pencil? I'm all about pens. I abhor pencils.

Looseleaf or notepad? I prefer notepad because it's neater. I do use looseleaf, but I lose things that way. :(

Alphabetize by author or title? By author. When I have a collection of books by an author those books are shelved in order they were published. hee.

Dustjackets on or off? Off. I prefer to take them off rather than tape them to the book.

Novella or epic? I cannot in good conscious pick a genre because it's not about genre. It's about ideas and content. I'll read which ever I think is the better written work.

John Grisham or Scott Turow? I've read one John Grisham book. Blah. I have no idea who Scott Turow is.

J.K. Rowling or Lemony Snicket? Lemony Snicket. The first Harry Potter book was well written, but dare I say, the rest are just meh. The writing is sub-par and the plots do little for me. I've stopped caring about the Boy Wizard and the Evil that dogs him.

Fiction or non-fiction? I like both, but read fiction most often.

Historical biography or historical romance? Biography. Historical romances are just too full of conjecture. The authors take so many liberties that you might as well say "based upon true events, but nothing is true between these covers... except for some names and dates."

A few pages per sitting or at least a chapter? I'm a voracious reader. A few pages per sitting would take about 5 minutes. When I read a book I'm in it for the long haul. ;)

Short story or creative non-fiction essay? Short story. That's the genre I work in. I love reading them. I love writing them.

"It was a dark & stormy night" or "Once upon a time"? It was a dark and stormy night.

Buy or borrow? I do both.

Book reviews or word of mouth? Word of mouth. I never read reviews.
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