(no subject)

Sep 21, 2008 18:27

Becky (not the one I dated, a different friend here) asked:

Photo question: I took some landscape photos today using the "landscape"
mode on the camera and many look overexposed. Why is that? What would be
a better setting for landscapes at high noon?

I gave her some advice, but I'm doing this in a separate post since I don't think most of the people who read this have seen it, and I think it's shiny.

So, gratuitous picture post. The only processed version I have of this is 1600 pixels wide, so rather than posting it here I'm going to just give a link: it'll autoresize for your browser (if it's something sensible like Firefox and maybe IE).

I'm proud of this one. :) Probably the best landscape I've gotten. Kerry, I still owe you another print of it!

Oh! Sabs and Becky,

Nao to put on my white-tie-and-tails monkeysuit and go sing! Wish us luck... there's potential for crashage and burnage, sadly, on one piece. We'll see!


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