An update...

May 22, 2008 16:20

My dad's been here for the last week, which is why there have been no updates. I took him hiking all over the place, which was fun, and saw lots of neat stuff (spotted owls!), which was fun ... but anyone reading this probably would have been better company. :)

Now I run off to Bulgaria to sing the German Requiem with Dr. Sneed, my awesomesauce undergraduate choral conductor! You always remember your first, but she really is awesomesauce.

Y'all be good while I'm gone!

EDIT: When my dad was here I had virtually zero time to myself, and was only surreptitiously able to nose around and prepare for this here trip. So I miscounted days, and I actually leave tomorrow.

Whoopsies. I'm not losing my mind; I just have to hide it in the corner while my dad's around.

Some random pictures from this last week behind the

I have better owl pictures and some other stuff, but they're not uploaded, and I don't have time now. So here's a few random ones that are already up:


Exasperated owl is exasperated (okay, she's really just grooming)

Pretty cactus flower! (warning: unresized/unedited image, 3MB)

Y'all be good while I'm gone!


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