Good news!

Apr 22, 2008 08:52

So, despite what the doctor said, I am regaining much of the range of motion in my finger. It's still quite obviously broken: there's a big bump on the joint, and it still won't bend all the way down, but it's much better than it was and better than the doctor said it would get.

Also, Morgana's only problem is that the cable connecting the gearshift to the actual transmission broke. Still going to be a $450 repair -- go figure, it's a bit of wire -- but it's better than trying to find a deal on a Yaris.


I am as happy as this fellow seems to be:

These were resized in Picasa since I don't have time to do proper editing, so they're a little not-sharp. Taken while I was walking back from Morgana's rotting corpse to my apartment on a grumpy grey day, so they're not as nice as some.


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