(no subject)

Apr 07, 2008 22:59

This is Walter's hard drive posting, having usurped control of his compy while he goes to clean up the kitchen.


... okay, I've got the computer back.

I went out to grade papers in the desert, and happened to see a purty little cactus flower along the way. Cactus flowers are covered in waxy stuff to hold in moisture, which reflects light very well. So I have a choice: I can either reduce the exposure and make the bright spots "correct", but the rest of the flower will be too dark ... or I can increase the exposure and get the rest of the flower right, but wind up overexposing the highlights. Tricky photographic challenge, and I don't know if I chose wisely. What do you think?

Click to see a more "cooked" development of the same image.

And one more picture -- a photoshop of a picture I took last December, in a rare rain shower:


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