Aug 10, 2010 00:59
* Feeling very relaxed and reflective. Not entirely sure why - but it seems like I'm becoming happier with life.
* Went to storage on Friday with Mum. Moved some stuff about, and got some incense out which I'd forgotten I had. I love incense - IDK how I've survived without it for the time I've been home! Anyway, there's a lovely lavender smell about atm, since I only have two sticks of lavendar left and thought I'd finish it before I start on the cinnamon incense (yummy!)
* Didn't get too much done on Friday. I spent some of it looking at a bug I'd found in That Media Player which was causing a read of 0xF00DBAAD. After some investigation it seems that it's dereffing some previously-used memory, which is BAADF00D'd out. However, if the malformed file is previewed in explorer - instead of being played in the media player - we get a read of a totally different address. It might be exploitable yet, but the application is a mess, and my reversing skills are not-quite up to the job of working out what's going on. I'm wondering if this is a good way to use b0rk - fuzz for initial crashes and use b0rk for exploitation.
As a footnote, anyone know how to get my reversing skills up? Perhaps I should take on some crackmes..
* Wondering if fuzzing is really a good idea. I mean, a lot of people fuzz stuff, and my fuzzer has nothing they don't - apart from parallelism - so I'm not 100% sure that it's going to yield much. Might leave it running anyway, since it's pretty much finished now. Might sink some more time in it so that it gets better, but then it just gets closer to being b0rk, really - so I'm not sure if I should just work on b0rk instead.
* Dusted off b0rk. It's been 28 days since my last commit - so I fixed some bugs, got some unit tests going, and I think I'm going to work on it for a while. I seriously need to get some 0day found so I can get some money in, and I think b0rk is probably the best avenue for that.