Something positive to balance the last entry

May 24, 2008 01:49

OK, to balance out the ranty bitchy post I've just done, I'm going to post this. This happened to me an unspecified amount of time ago, and I didn't want to post it immediately, mainly because I didn't want to freak the subjects out. I did, however, want to wait for a period of time and _then_ post it.

So, picture the scene. I'd just been dumped by a girlfriend. I'm really at an angry stage in life. I no longer have sexual fantasies when I go to bed - preferring violent fantasies I won't go in to/admit to - and I'm genuinely really worried that I'm being consumed by all this hatred. Every day is spent either moping or being angry. I look at other friends of mine who are really being eaten up by it, and I get in this big vicious circle of worry/hate. Everything is nosediving - I'm becoming a massive cauldron of hate.
Then I go out shopping with a friend and his girlfriend. Both of them are attractive, doing well, happy with life, you know, the kind of people that it'd be really easy to be really envious of. And they cuddle in front of me, and they smile, and they giggle, and they kiss. And all I think - _all_ I think - is 'awww. Aren't they cute together'! And that's it. No envy, no jealousy, no hatred - I just want to take a picture of them both and give it to them to put on their mantelpiece or something.

That was a good day.
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