Hello, I am neither a Mac nor a PC.

Nov 08, 2008 08:56

I had this moment today where I realized I was now more comfortable working on a Mac than a PC. Damn it, Digital Photo. See, this is what happens when your laptop dies and you can only use the school computers in your photo class. It's all very strange for me.

I've been feeling weirdly creative recently. Like, I just want to make stuff. All the time. Or play bass. Or both. This is NaNo speaking, I think, but it has also been very good for me in the photography context because I've been doing some crazy-ass shit with Photoshop filters this week and it's actually looking pretty good. This is a new thing for me, having confidence in my work. I think I kind of like it.

Someday soon I'm going to write down all my way too analytical, God-why-are-you-reading-into-it thoughts about TV. But not today.

photography, computer, school

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