+ super IMPT +

Jan 04, 2012 21:12

Hey guys! Now that I’ve survived the 35 hour travel day from hell (after kicking a copious amount of glorious ass at Worlds), all the mods are together again. Which means party time it’s time to get down to business.


This will be a discussion post with anonymous enabled (if you give us bullshit,* we’re at liberty to delete it), because we honestly want your opinions on the matter. However, before choices are made, please keep in mind a few very important things:

1) What is best for Entranceway? What actions do you think will have the least negative impact on the game as a whole?
2) What is best for you? Where will you feel most comfortable?
3) Don’t let emotions completely dictate your decisions.

I would like to further emphasize that last one. LJ’s been a completely bag of dicks recently, but we’re making long term decisions here. With long term decisions come long term impacts. Do you believe LJ will honestly continue pulling this bullshit in the future? The knee-jerk reaction for most of us is “YES! THOSE BASTARDS!” but try to develop your thoughts beyond that initial rush of feeling-try to articulate them. Furthermore, linked with the first item in the list above, keep in mind how you think this will impact Eway’s playerbase. Because, whatever you decide and whatever options you pull for, you’re making that decision for everyone, not just yourself. This includes people who may not be as active as you, or perhaps have never interacted with you on an OOC or IC level.

If you're not really sure how you feel about Dreamwidth versus Livejournal, here is a post comparing the two services specifically for RP purposes that might come in handy. And for those primarily concerned about whether they would need an invite code or not, we can obtain a promotional code for the purposes of moving over to Dreamwidth. However, just like we don't want to sway you towards staying on LJ, we don't want to sway you towards moving either. This is up to you guys, because without you, there is no Entranceway! We don't want to make a decision that our players aren't comfortable with, because then the game will die, and that's the last thing we want.

Also, THIS IS NOT A BINARY CHOICE. There are plenty of options to mitigate the harms of LJ’s new changes, either by staying or moving. Through about a five minute brainstorm session, we’ve come up with five:

1) We continue as we have, waiting for LJ to format an S2 style similar to the old LJ. Everyone in the game either makes their journals that customized layout or their own, like we have now.
2) We change Entranceway’s set up to be a community based game. Which means there’s a main community that everyone posts in, as opposed to journal posting and using your friend’s page. We then make the customized setting for this community a layout similar to the old LJ, or we use the S2 format LJ has told us they’ll make.
3) We move to Dreamwidth and become a community-based game there - it would be cleaner organization-wise for mirror events and things like that, DW's friending system is a little different, and an abrupt change in location might be a good opportunity for reformatting anyway.
4) We move to Dreamwidth and remain journal-based. So we basically remain exactly like we are now, but over at DW instead.
5) You tell us. There will be a section in the comments addressing options and potential ideas you guys might have.

A lot of what I’m saying here may seem like an attempt to deter a move, or perhaps influence your decision making process. However, that’s simply not the case. We merely want you guys to fully understand the control you have and the impact of your decisions. Your words decide the long term fate of this game. You guys got the power. Now use it.

EDIT: Because there were some concerns about this specifically, and because Koji is a loser who can't keep secrets, if we do decide to move to Dreamwidth, we will be running a paid account drive to help people who can't afford to buy paid accounts all over again. Again, this doesn't automatically mean we're going to move, but since the concern was raised, we're bringing it up now.

*Bullshit is defined as insulting material with little substantive value. It’s like pornography-we’ll know it when we see it.
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