+ No matter how far away you roam - EWAYMAS PART 2 +

Dec 20, 2011 11:35

Hey guys! Hopefully everyone's enjoying the event so far. As promised, here's part two of the event!

Some of you might have noticed that Alice is out and about (which makes sense, since Mirror Side seems to be missing at the moment.) As Queen, she is obligated to try and fix all of this; however, she has no idea how she should go about it. She doesn't really understand why anyone would want to go anywhere else really, when Wonderland is such a fine home.

In response, the Mansion will become...homier, starting today. Suddenly, everything about the Mansion is just warmer and more inviting. Little things will remind everyone of home. Their room might smell like pine if they lived near a forest, or salt if they were by the sea, for example. For once, the mansion will have picture frames in its halls, and in those frames are pictures of everyone who is and has even been in Wonderland. Some will be posed for (in groups or solo), others will be candid shots of people together. No one will remember having taken any of these pictures, but amazingly enough they won't be anything embarrassing. They're just reminders of happy times, and friends who have come and gone, just like photographs in a normal home. The kitchen will smell like it's getting ready to bake for Christmas. Just little things here and there to make everyone feel more at home. Why would you want to go home where it's cold and lonely when you have Wonderland here? Would you like some cocoa? It can get that for you. Or maybe some cookies? Maybe soup like mom used to make it? It will be trying very, very hard to please.

Alice's biggest effort is going to be a Christmas Party. Surely everyone will want to come home if there's a party going on! Everyone (including the Mirrors) will find invitations slipped under their doors tonight written in blue crayon, informing them they are all cordially invited to a Christmas Party on Wednesday Night at 6PM. There will be a log for it, and even though it's all set on Wednesday night, it will go up earlier in the day and everyone is welcome to backtag it as well. There will be more details about the party itself (and then event as well) when the log goes up, so watch for that!

The final part of the event is going to go up on Thursday or Friday night. There will be a FAQ thread in this post as well, and you're welcome to use it for planning if you'd like. Have fun! ♥

~ Koji


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