+ Oh there's no place like home for the holidays - EWAYMAS PART ONE +

Dec 16, 2011 21:12

Oh, there's no place like home for the holidays,
‘Cause no matter how far away you roam
If you want to be happy in a million ways
For the holidays, you can’t beat home, sweet home

Oh god, Koji's basing events on songs again...(Event Description behind the cut. CLICK ME.) )


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+ FAQ + vitaelamorte December 17 2011, 02:14:14 UTC
Please ask any and all questions here and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!


Re: + FAQ + jivitadana December 17 2011, 02:31:07 UTC
Hi! ^-^ This event. *__* So epic, thank you. ^^

I don't know if this is plausible, but if someone dies, real or mirror, in one of these other worlds, how is that kind of thing handled? ^-^ Oh, but on that note, CAN mirrors die if they're ghost-like and go to those other worlds?


Re: + FAQ + vitaelamorte December 17 2011, 02:37:36 UTC
VERY GOOD QUESTIONS. And I'm glad you like it! Thank YOU. :3

Mirrors won't be able to die in these worlds because they'll just pass through everything, and if a Real Thing dies in one of these worlds, they will wake up in Wonderland, in the snow, just outside the original rip. It will count as one of their five deaths. ♥


Re: + FAQ + 40410 December 17 2011, 02:46:56 UTC
picturing a Mirror falling off the edge of something and just continuing to fall forever and ever


Re: + FAQ + hamburellakind December 17 2011, 02:37:52 UTC
MUNCEST? I mean come on John wants to talk to M!John. Or M!John wants to harass him, I can't tell.


Re: + FAQ + vitaelamorte December 17 2011, 02:46:08 UTC
Muncest is okay here! It's a special occasion. Our general rule of thumb for events like this is "go for it, but just make sure you play with other people too - don't just sit in a corner alone all event". :3


sadfreezingbrit December 17 2011, 03:05:07 UTC
1. So if our character has spent most of his life in, oh say, London, but the only location his canon ever actually SHOWS is... just to name a random example, a secret research facility in Greenland, would that character be able to travel to both locations OR does the portal only cover the location that is shown in canon?

2. Or maybe I should ask like this: Does 'home' refer to the place they most want to be, any place they've ever been to in their home dimension or to the place they were just before they came to Wonderland?

3. Any specifics on character deaths during the event, particularly in those other dimensions?

4. And just to clarify, the first world is always our own and can only be entered if it belongs to the character who travels through first, but from that world onwards everyone can go anywhere or do we always need a native guide?


vitaelamorte December 17 2011, 03:19:18 UTC
1. You could go to both locations! You could have rips to both of them.

2. It would probably default to somewhere they would like to be in their world, somewhere that would feel like home to them. Like, James could probably go to the house he grew up in, but his rip will probably bring him to Hogwarts from the start. But with some characters those will overlap. Feeling like home is the key though - your character won't be able to go GEE I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO GO TO DISNEY WORLD and then send themselves there....unless it's home to someone else in Wonderland maybe. :T

3. Mirrors can't die in other dimensions (everything will pass through them), and Real Things wake up in Wonderland in the snow outside the rip if they die in other worlds and it counts as one of their five deaths. If anyone on Real Side (or well, in Wonderland since there's no Mirror side right now) dies, the five deaths rule applies. Even for the Mirrors. If any Mirrors have died on Real Side before (because we've offered this for events before), those deaths carry ( ... )


sadfreezingbrit December 17 2011, 03:22:27 UTC
Yes, absolutely! Thank you! *_*


Re: + FAQ + coolstriderbro December 17 2011, 12:27:04 UTC
Can characters bring stuff with them from home back to Wonderland? For example, say Bro decided to collect a bunch of stuff from the apartment, would he be able to bring them back to Wonderland or would they disappear when he goes back through the rift?


Re: + FAQ + vitaelamorte December 20 2011, 06:22:30 UTC
Sorry this took so long! I think that would be fine, as long as they can fit through the rift!

...Suddenly I'm terrified that the mansion is going to be filled with smuppets. First floor to tenth floor, smuppets everywhere. XD


Re: + FAQ + coolstriderbro December 20 2011, 07:52:24 UTC
Yep, pretty much xD

Any limits to this? Like, if he decided to bring back some of his weapons or his gaming system, would that be okay? (And would the latter work?)


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