Namimori Event Plotting!

May 06, 2011 00:56

HI, Entranceway. I have a humble request for PLOT help! ^-^

Your resident Persona 3 crew known as SEES (Minato, Akihiko, Mitsuru, Shinjiro) has a plan to break into the Teachers' Lounge at night! They want to retrieve a Notebook they had confiscated from them by Dr. Brennan. Basically the plan is: they'll sneak into school late at night, get into the Teachers' Lounge, retrieve said Notebook, and then PROFIT.

However, is the Disciplinary Committee going to let them get away with it? You decide, Disciplinary Committee members!

But be forewarned:
- Mitsuru's ice powers will be shattering windows and freezing whatever happens to get in her way
- Shinjiro has superhuman strength
- Minato has supercharged elemental magic spells
- Most importantly, Akihiko will be sparking with electricity, and then he and his Persona will cause a school-wide power outage (deliciously mod-approved!) post-Notebook retrieval. Nagi will fix this problem and bring power back in a few hours.

So we'd like to know which Disciplinary Committee members WANT IN on confronting them as they escape in the dark! This will be an open log, with one thread dedicated to the four of them initially sneaking in and retrieving the Notebook, but we need Disciplinary Committee members to stop them in the hallways or somewhere somehow either as a threadjack OR as new comments/threads in the log. ^-^

SEES will probably get separated to make the encounters easier to deal with? They'll get their hands on the Notebook (probably Mitsuru will find it), but how much trouble it'll be to get away is another story.

Any takers or any other ideas of how to go about this? ^-^ Thank you! I thought the log would go up Friday, but it can be pushed back if we have to. ^-^

EDIT: The log will probably go up Saturday morning or early afternoon!


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