Daddy Should Have Stayed in High School [Video+Action]

Nov 13, 2011 18:25

Who: Dean and all the children.
Where: Hallways/Parlor
When: All day long~
Rating: G to PG
Summary: Dean gotta take care of the chirrun.
The Story:

[The only way he can keep track of all the kids is to find them and lead them back to one room where he can keep his one eye on them. There's no telling what's going to happen whenever this event ends, and he wants the bastards to be safe.

He could also use the good karma after last event's shit-storm.

It is with a heavy sigh that Dean puts on a bright and cheery voice to lure the darlings in.]

Hey! Dean on the airwaves, kids, and we gotta make sure you guys all get your vitamins or need stories read t'you, or whatever.

[He grins winningly.]

Throw me a line, you little buggers.

[[ooc; Specify whether you'd like to meet Dean in the hallways or in the parlor please~]]

katara, kurt hummel, the sorrow, philip [penumbra], dean winchester, santana lopez

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