Who: "Philip", Daniel & Dean Winchester & [OPEN]**
Where: ~The Mansion~, but mainly Daniel's room & Dean's room
When: Starting Wednesday afternoon
Rating: R/NC-17 for Return of Clarence [specifically violence, torture, cannibalism and very impolite language]
Summary: The mind you have dialed is currently unavailable. PleaseRUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!
The Story:
The short version is that Clarence didn't exactly take kindly to
Eve's rejection. Refusing to wait for her return he persuaded Philip to let him take control of their body once a month.
Unable to counter Clarence's arguments Philip agreed, banking on Clarence's promise that he wouldn't lay a finger on Philip's friends in return. Let's see how that goes...
The long version is here and features Clarence's proposal in violently explicit detail.
**[[OOC1: Clarence currently has half a mind to ignore most people in the mansion. Your character is more than welcome to approach him in this log, but please contact me (or add an OOC note) if you'd like to do more than engage in a veryveryvery brief conversation.]]