Glee Club || You're toxic, I'm slipping under.

Jan 08, 2011 01:25

Who: Entranceway's Glee Club
Where The Music Room
When: ...Earlier in the week. (I'm sorry guys, my family stole me and every time I tried to sneak away to write it someone ran off with me again. ;;; )
Rating: PG, probably.
Summary: Glee Club, toxic emotions week! Sing your hearts out, everyone.
the Story:

Kurt was the first to arrive, having of course over-prepared for the occasion. He's very shiny today, because you just can't sing Lady Gaga and not wear something incredibly interesting. It's probably illegal, and where would you be if the current leader of glee club was under arrest? You'd be gleeless, that's what.

But either way, he was the first there, and he waited on the piano bench with one leg crossed, looking significantly less angry than he did when he made his announcement. When a significant group had finally gathered, he stood before the club.

"Hello everyone," he said. The light catches his jacket once in a while and effectively blinds anyone who looks at it too long. Sorry. "I'm sure many of you have amazing performances planned for today, full of every dark feeling you've been feeling. It'll feel good to let them out, and start the new year fresh."

He adjusted his bangs for a second, as though unsure where he intended to go from there. "And if you've been slacking, or couldn't find anything, stop panicking. We'll be trying a group number this week."

Kurt looked out at the small crowd and asked that question Mr. Schuester rarely ever remembered to ask their glee club.

"Any suggestions?"

You'd better come up with something if you don't want to get stuck doing Broadway or Pop Music, you guys.

[ooc: I'm thinking this should be organized with threads - every character who's singing/doing something/etc makes their own thread for it, and people reply with their reactions and such. There'll be a thread for coming up with something for a group number, and threadjacking it is highly encouraged. :>

And as usual, either [Action brackets] or Prose is fine - whichever you're more comfortable with. They might be long, but don't worry too much - song lyrics tend to do that to a comment. Have fun, and sorry again that it's a little late! ;;; ]

benny stango, kurt hummel, finn hudson, santana lopez

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