Never bring a bored man to a library [Finished]

Feb 20, 2010 02:37

Who: Ritsuka and Soubi
Where The library
When: 2/19/10
Rating: PG-13 for pocket checks
Summary: Ritsuka has ordered Soubi not to leave his side. Soubi gets bored out of his mind.
the Story:

Soubi had followed Ritsuka to the library. It wasn't so unusual, considering he'd been ordered to stay at the boy's side. Ritsuka seemed to spend most of his time here. Soubi wasn't much for reading, though... he never really had been. Even in school, he got by mostly on luck and natural talent. It became an eventuality that Soubi began pacing... though even his pacing was slow and deliberate, almost as if he were stalking.

"They have art books." He offered to the older man. For Ritsuka's part he was content to sit and read his books while calming himself down. In truth he wanted to go eviscerate Nisei, but he knew that wasn't what he should do. He was Ritsuka. He couldn't go around killing people. It wasn't right.

Ritsuka most certainly should not go around killing people, and Soubi was content to follow orders. Nevertheless, he was getting bored. He'd been through all the art books here, and there was probably not going to be anything new for all Soubi's luck.
Bored Soubi was not, by any means, a safe Soubi.

Maybe that's what possessed him to pull the bandanna off his head and fold it over a few times, creeping up behind Ritsuka to cover the boy's eyes and tie it tightly at the back of his head.

Why was he wearing a bandanna? Was he a train robber? The boy blinked and all he saw was black. "Soubi? What are you doing?"

Soubi wore bandannas once in a while, thank you very much. He had long hair, and it kept that out of his face. At the moment, he was only trying to be annoying. He was good at that. That whole irritating Ritsuka to get a rise out of him thing was usually sufficient entertainment to keep him from boredom for a while. that tongue, teasing ever-so-gently at his ear? That ought to really annoy the boy.

And it did. He was trying to read a book and Soubi's impression of a brain sucker wasn't helping. He swatted at Soubi from behind. His now heightened senses helping with aim. "Quit it."

Soubi was not deterred. He was used to getting hit by this point. But was Ritsuka used to Soubi's teeth on his neck, scraping lightly over the flesh just below his ear?

No. No he wasn't. It made Ritsuka squirm and try to sink into his chair. "We're in a library."

Very observant. They were in a library. While they were making observations, the sky is blue, the books smelled like ancient relics, and Soubi's hand was creeping ever so slightly beneath the hem of Ritsuka's shirt.

And Ritsuka was grabbing that hand and squeezing tightly. "Don't think about it."

Soubi wasn't thinking about very much at all, that much was certain. Because while Ritsuka held that hand, Soubi's opposite hand was making for the same motion, pushing past his shirt and over his stomach.

And Ritsuka grabbed that hand too and squeezed even harder. "I told you to cut it out!"

Ritsuka really wasn't trying very hard. Since when had Soubi's hands being bound stopped him from doing stupid things? Soubi had bought himself enough time with the hand distractions to nudge Ritsuka's head to the side just enough that he could bite down on the boy's shoulder, just at the juncture of his neck and shoulder.

Which only caused Ritsuka to stand straight up, shoving Soubi's face into the boy's neck. "I SAID STOP IT!"

Oh, that helped. Now Soubi was just sucking on the part that had been shoved against his mouth. He was decidedly un-bored.

Ritsuka wanted to flail like a little girl, but that was very unmanly, so he didn't. He closed his book instead and started walking. YES, with the blindfold on. Hopefully he could detach Soubi.

No no. Soubi had orders. He was to stay by Ritsuka's side. And Soubi's hands were now in Ritsuka's front pockets as they started hobbling awkwardly toward... wherever the blind sacrifice was leading them.

Out of the library. But first, into a bookshelf. "GAH! Soubi, get off and get this off me!"

Soubi would not get off. Not just yet anyway. Hurr. He was a willful thing, after all; simultaneously the best and worst thing you could possibly find in a fighter. Even after running into a book shelf, Soubi was still latched on, making the darkest mark he possibly could manage on Ritsuka's shoulder.

And now he was starting to quite enjoy himself.

Ritsuka finally grabbed a book and started smacking Soubi in the head with it. "You're not a leech!"

"Ow. OW." Soubi winced and, at the very least, stopped biting Ritsuka for long enough to seize one cover flap of the book with his teeth and rip it out of Ritsuka's hand. He tossed it to the floor and groped at the boy's thighs from within his pockets. "Why must you always resort to violence, Kitten?"

"Because you don't listen. Get your hands out of my pockets." The words were a partial growl. Ritsuka was getting very frustrated by Soubi annoying him.

"Is that an order?" Soubi punctuated the last word with two little kisses to the boy's cheek.

"It's too stupid to be an order. You should have decency to do it anyway." He was really getting upset. His ears were flat back and his tail was stick straight.

"If it's not an order, do I have to follow it?" Soubi was pushing it. Really, really pushing it. His first plan of action had failed; now all there was left to do was try to butter Ritsuka up enough to let him sleep in bed tonight instead of the couch. That's what the sweet little cheek-kisses were for.

"Yes. We're in the library." Meaning you only have to follow it in the library ... but Rituska hadn't thought that far ahead.

Soubi sighed and reluctantly returned his hands to his own pockets.

Good boyfriend. The boy sighed heavily and started to untie the bandanna. "Soubi should think about the time and place more."

Soubi wasn't thinking. They'd made that much clear. He took the bandanna back and sulked back over to the table at which Ritsuka had been sitting, slumping into a chair.

Ritsuka ignored the pouting fest. He just kept putting the books back on the shelves. His shoulder was soaked. It was annoying.

ritsuka aoyagi, soubi agatsuma

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