Who: Belkar Bitterleaf (
shoelessdeath) and Poland (
Where The roof.
When: The evening of Saturday, February 13th.
Rating: PG(-13?) for violence, mild profanity, and Belkar?
Summary: Belkar made fun of Poland's gender issues, and Poland made fun of Belkar's height. Now, it's time for some good, old-fashioned, trap vs. midget halfling beatdown!
the Story:
Even Poland, with his highly questionable judgment, had a few reservations about accepting a fight on the roof of a ten-floor mansion. But Belkar had been asking for it, and more to the point, he'd been looking for a fight since he woke up and read those disgusting accusations. If he couldn't beat up the person responsible, he could at least get into some kind of fight. Besides, he'd let the little weirdo pick the place, so it would have been totally weak to complain about it!
Liet would probably worry himself to death if he knew Poland was on the roof, or having another fight, never mind having another fight while on the roof. Which was why Poland didn't tell him where he was going, and kept an eye out to make sure he didn't run into him on the way up. When he got there, he looked around for his opponent, ready to draw his sword at a moment's notice.
"Come on, short stuff," he called. "Like, don't keep me waiting!"
Little psycho was going down.