Being a grouch

Nov 14, 2009 23:20

Who: Hubb McCann
Where: The grounds
When: Afternoon of 14th
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Hubb decides to go out shooting.
The Story: Hubb was bored. It has been bad enough when he'd left the legion, just going back to a mundane ranch. Now he didn't even have chores to do, not even cooking.
He did however, have an infinite supply of ammo. No salesmen to shoot at, but oh well. He stood out by the forest, firing at random targets -- sometimes trees, other times at a leaf that caught his attention. It hardly mattered, as long as he was doing something. He really ought to go back in and get some targets, but honestly that seemed like more trouble than it was worth.
He needed to get his mind off things, and the familiar crack of a gun and the smell of smoke was cathartic in that regard.

hubb mccann

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