Who: Saffron
cunningcleavage and Dean Winchester
viva_la_impala Where: The Gardens and Grounds
When: A few days after he reemerges into public view
Rating: PG? Knowing Saff I'll have to change it later. R in advance. See, I knew it. NC-17 OH DEAR.
Summary: Dean and Saffron on a picnic in the garden! But everyone knows he won't withstand her flirting.
the Story:
When Saffron had first arrived at the mansion, she and Dean Winchester had exchanged a few words. He seemed like a nice guy, the kind she could have plenty of fun with, and he was very enthusiastic to meet with her. Unfortunately he had disappeared following some kind of drama with an event that Saffron didn't really understand. Now they had finally agreed to spend some time together, especially since it seemed that Dean needed someone to talk to. Saffron was very, very good at listening.
She had gone down to the dining room and kitchens, raiding the tables and pantries to pack a large basket full of picnic food for the two of them. Breads and cheeses and other snacks that weren't too messy composed most of the contents, including plenty of things like grapes and strawberries that the two could feed to each other if things got to that point and Dean didn't spend the whole time crying like a little girl. Saffron really, really hoped he didn't spend the whole time crying like a little girl. On top of the food she added two bottles of wine, a couple of plates, and a very large, somewhat waterproof tablecloth that she swiped from one of the dining room tables.
Now she was waiting for him on the steps in front of the Mansion, eager to find out what the evening held.