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dusty_divinity May 22 2009, 15:28:03 UTC
Aziraphale's door was always left cracked open. After all, what use would an angel have for locks or bars? His bedroom was rather unique, as holy domiciles went, because though its walls were appropriately free of ornamentation, books were piled in neat stacks across every available surface. The library of the mansion was impressively complete, and the angel had become fond of visiting it at every opportunity. The feint gold lettering along the spines of Aziraphale's constant companions, indicated a wide range of interests, from the exotic, curlicue script that couldn't have been English, to 'Dancing for Dummies'. Aziraphale's bed, too, was hardly the ascetic bare-bones affair appropriate for an angel, as it took up a sizable chunk of a wall. Larger than King-sized, and very soft, the mattress might better have been characterized as Parliament-sized.

The angel himself was currently sunning his wings like an over sized bird might do upon first light. He knelt in quiet prayer, facing the door, while his great wings splayed behind him in a wide U. The light felt good after so long in shadow, and Aziraphale intended to take full advantage of it while it lasted. Normally, he did such things on the roof, taking his morning prayer in the oldest church-house imaginable, but he'd slept in, this day, and had to make do with what he could get.


exploring_game May 22 2009, 20:17:14 UTC
Coraline's parents had been the very and busy sort who liked sleeping in on Sundays when they could, and so she'd felt a little bit sheepish after some time of figuring out Mr. A. Ziraphale was the kind of person or...angel-person who took his God-things very seriously.

She'd peeked in on Aziraphale and his wings before, had caught the reverent prayers and his squeamishness at stepping on slugs...and it made her a little extra cautious around him in the try-to-be-very-good way.

So after the initial shock and awe of finding him with his wings fanned out and backlit, Coraline made a small noise, perking up onto mousy tiptoe and shut the door again halfway, wanting to burst into a million questions, but also not wanting to get smote for the wrong kind of interruption.


dusty_divinity May 26 2009, 02:48:03 UTC
The odd squeaking sound, followed by a distinct door creek, made Aziraphale's eyes fly open. His wings fluttered in his surprise, sending up a slight breeze that stirred several papers and blew open a few book covers. Carefully, he stood up, and folded his wings so they wouldn't cause undue trouble. Aziraphale blinked a few times in confusion. He knew he'd heard something. Wanting to investigate, he used all the powers of heavenly stealth to step closer to the door and put an ear on the worn brown wood. Hearing nothing, he crouched, and sneakily peeked around the edge of the door, only to come face to face with his young snooper.

Not entirely expecting this turn of events, he gave a most un-divine yelp and hopped backwards.


exploring_game May 26 2009, 03:01:34 UTC
Coraline made a similar noise, scooting back a step from the door, shoulders bouncing.

"Ah... Ah...Mr. Ziraphale?" She winced apologetically, trying her best to look at her upmost polite, hands behind her back. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry...I didn't know you were busy praying!"


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