Who: Captain Jack Harkness [
capt_j_harkness], Severus Snape [
Where Jack's room
When: Now
Rating: Automatically PG- this is Jack.
Summary: Jack decides to show Snape dying isn't always the best way of dealing with things.
the Story:
Jack had been keeping to himself far too much lately. Whilst this wasn't always unusual, it wasn't necessarily a good thing either, and so he'd decided to solve this with his usual method. That is to say he'd invited someone to his room- definitely one of the easier ways of making friends. And of of his preferred methods, at that.
Jack generally kept his room in a decent state, so it didn't really take much to get things ready. Just a couple of glasses next to the whisky decanter, putting Emmi back in her cage (because even he had some standards), then he was ready.
The only thing missing was his guest.