don't ever make a promise if you can't make it and learn to admit your own fault.i am forgive and never forget person. i remember every single thing that you'd done to me but i never're so unfair and never think what i feel. you're so blind until you can't even see what's the most important and what should be a priority.
it's up to's your choice. i don't care at all but if someday if all your choices heading to betray you please don't call my name. I'm tired to pretend someone that I'm not. i want to be the real me. free and universal. if you hate me, it's up to you. it's your choice and i have no rights at all.
before you hate anyone else expect more from yourself not others. if something happen then look yourself first before you look others. don't criticize them. we're not perfect at all but everyone has their own specialty respectively.keep that in your mind and I'll always keep that in my mind too..just look it better enough???
for this time i really hate you~sorry