My one and only ship,the only one I've ever embraced or cared about is probably dead *cries*

Jul 15, 2008 22:35

      Ok,I'm pretty angry about this so I'll make a quick post here on my personal space so no one gets pissed .
      I obsess about tv shows and Hugh Laurie(and other stuff LOL) and my main obsessions regarding shows are House MD ,Heroes and Stargate(but I watch about a dozen shows :D).
      Having clarified this I'll move on to the subject of ( Read more... )

wtf, hate, huddy, obsessing, hugh laurie, house/cameron, rant, hameron, house md, jennifer morrison

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dref22 July 15 2008, 22:34:16 UTC
BUT,suddenly,after 20+ years they want eachother,they discover this amazing desire? Oh come on,that's unrealistic and stupid.

Hear, hear. And I totally agree, the actors have a wonderful chemistry.
I gotta question: Why the hell did the writers give Cam practically no screentime on season 4? Is it because of the RL situations between Jennifer Morrison and Jesse Spencer?
I've been a Cam/House shipper since the beginning (now I think, OMG, this ship is older than noaire, O_o). Cam I still haven't watched all of season 4, but I've been reading stuff about them and now this...I remember reading that Hugh Laurie preferred Cuddy not Cameron! :( But I know Jennifer Morrison believed in this ship.


entity22 July 16 2008, 09:34:25 UTC
You're right,this is older than Noaire and "legal" LOL ( ... )


dref22 July 16 2008, 12:42:27 UTC
...and House/Cuddy has zero chemistry...They could have been easily brother-sister.Seriously.


entity22 July 16 2008, 13:00:12 UTC
exactly,they actually have brotherly chemistry would look incestuous and creepy *vomits*


dref22 July 16 2008, 13:11:48 UTC
Sometimes incest-like situations are fun but not with House/Cuddy! LOL!


entity22 July 16 2008, 13:51:12 UTC
never with House/Cuddy ,absolutely not. But I do agree on the incest-like stuff and you know I do (oh Heroes,why u making me sin,sin,sin? LOL)


dref22 July 16 2008, 14:03:13 UTC
Hehe, 'cause sin is fun fun fun. XD


entity22 July 16 2008, 14:29:50 UTC
yeah,you're right (and I think I'm sinning just by saying that :)) )


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