Nothing in particular

Apr 15, 2008 22:45

Ok,I'm bored out of my mind so I'll make yet another useless post for your viewing pleasure :D
I am at least glad that the weather ,for now,is cooler and I can sleep well at night because I kinda' freaked out last week(especially on Saturday and Sunday)when ,even if it's only April,we had 28C outside which meant I was boiling in my room *cries for I suffer*.Now,luckily,it started raining on Monday and kept raining today so the temperatures are back to a normal level for a couple of days.
I really want the new episodes of House to come NOW and I want Heroes to start ( how will I make it to September I have no idea) and Supernatural and LOST will be back soon too so looking forward to that.
Since it's spring I'll post 2 pictures of my home turf so to speak : 1 of my street and one of half of my backyard.

bored, ramble, pictures, general

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