My trip to Salzburg ,pictures and tv shows aka Alcatraz...finally on air !

Jan 24, 2012 22:36

   Yay, I just watched the first episode of Alcatraz, the new J.J Abrams drama/thriller tv show with Sam Neill and Jorge Garcia(Hurley from LOST) and I like it ! The story is interesting, there's mystery and action and I love Sam Neill like whoa. I used to be obsessed with Jurassic Park back when I was little, had it on tape and watched it at least once a week ,I had a slight crush on Sam Neill then and he's a class act, always liked him, I'm so happy he's on tv now omg !!!
     So ,yeah other than that ..... I just came back from Salzburg, Austria. I went there last week with a friend of mine and it was lots of fun although it was my 4th or 5th time in Salzburg in the past few years (last time I was there was 6 months ago when I went there for a day from Berchtesgaden cause it was raining like Hell).

It was was totally fun , the first day there was no snow in Salzburg but there was snow in the mountains nearby so we went to Berchtesgaden (which is about 40 min away by bus, in Germany) and took a boat on the beautiful/fabulous/magnificent Konigsee. OMG Berchtesgaden is the best thing ever, I love it, I wanted to weep like a snotty little child 6 months ago on the day we left. Anyway, so we went on the lake up to this place called St Bartholomae , it was sunny , there was snow and we walked around for a few hours, had something to eat (great foooooooooood, Germany/Austria have great food) and went back to Berchtesgaden and then Salzburg.
Then we spent a day in Salzburg, it was rainy but we walked around, there was no problem. We also went to St Gilgen in the Salzkammergut area but the weather was also bad and gloomy so there was virtually no one around and the lake (Wolfgangsee) was covered in mist/clouds and so were the mountains around (in 2009 I spent a week in St Wolfgang which is close to St Gilgen, also by Wolfgangsee) so I had visited before , it's a beautiful place ,too bad about the weather.
Oh and in the last day it started snowing in the morning, like in the movies, big snowflakes and dense and it was gorgeous so we went to Berchtesgaden and around again, everything looked so pretty it hurt .
Also spent a day in Vienna, my darling Vienna....and I bought some Kasekrainer sausages for home and lots of sweets and a Sacher torte from Demel(honestly, I would have bought EVERYTHING from Demel if I could haha).

In other news, on Monday I started German classes, I want to re-learn a BOSS!

Here are some pictures

Konigsee, near Berchtesgaden

restaurant at St Bartholomae

Berchtesgaden, the actual village.



Bavarian pride haha !


travel, germany, alcatraz, salzburg, tv shows, austria, trip, update, me

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