About future trips ,new shows, gifs and general updates

May 30, 2011 20:58

   Have you guys missed me? I haven't written anything in almost a month but I'm sure no one missed me so it's ok . Still, I thought an update is in order.

1.Future trips

a)  Last week I booked my next trip and it's going to be for my birthday !!!!! YAY !!! the past 2 years I had shitty b-days ,last year I was majorly depressed so I just spent my bday in bed sobbing and being unhappy which is why this year I decided to avoid that the best I can an treat myself by going on a trip aka the thing I love most !

So, a day before my 24th birthday (and instead of attending an exam), on the 21st of June (OMG 3 weeks left btw) I'll be leaving on a jet plane (haha,that song...) bright and early (6am early) to Warsaw and from there take a train to Krakow because there's no direct flight from Bucharest to Krakow and I like travelling by train + it gives me half a day in Warsaw the day of the flight home cause the flight is late in the evening.

I'll be in Krakow for 6 full days ,in a nice 4 star hotel in the center of town. The only thing is that I will be going ALONE ! Yup, you heard it , I will be totally lame and pathetic and be 100% alone for my birthday but it was between this and staying home aka probably going out for a waterpipe in the evening (since it's a weekday so my best friend is working til the evening) with a couple of friends like I do even without a special occasion . I'd rather be travelling on my own thank you very much , as pathetic as it sounds  and , in all honesty , I didn't mind being alone for a week when I travelled to Germany for Hugh's concerts, it was fun as long as I had stuff to do and it was nice to have the room all for myself + I felt so free, I could go wherever I wanted ,whenever I wanted and do whatever I wanted without having to worry about someone else, about being boring , about not fitting in and all sorts of stuff like that.

Anyway, I'm so excited you guys ! I can't wait to see Krakow and especially everything related to WWII and the Holocaust and also stuff related to Pope John Paul II  cause I admired that man so much . I also can't wait to go see Auschwitz ,it's my nr 1 priority tbh !

b) I've also booked plane tickets for me and my mom to go to Germany for 2 weeks ,from the 14th of July to the 28th , but I'm still trying to decide what are the best places to visit cause it's hard to choose, there are many . We're surely going to Nuremberg ,Heidelberg and Bergtesgaden and one day in Munich but I'm still thinking of the stuff in between.

2. New tv shows I watch

a) I started watching Dr Who . I've seen all the David Tennant episodes and up to the latest episode (Season 6 Ep 6) but only a couple of the Ecclestone episodes because I find them a little boring. I'm loving the show tbh but it was a little hard at first to get used to the sort of childish and completely impossible science/space stuff ,the whole thing is so scientifically inaccurate and crazy that it was hard to accept at first but then I got used to it and it became lots of fun . The series is great ,I think, because of the characters and the dialogue , because it's absolutely fun to watch ,generally fast paced and the characters compelling . I must say that I like both David Tennant and Matt Smith although I find neither of them attractive physically , I just like their versions of the Doctor , they have charisma ,they also have a fresh ,fun ,childish air and lots of humor . Oh and I like Amy Pond more than Rose and don't ship anyone !

I love this gif

b) The Big Bang Theory  . I'm only at season 2 but I just started during the weekend , saw an episode from season 1 on tv ,liked it and downloaded it . It's loads of fun , I like everyone even if Howard is totally obnoxious . I'm probably a female version of Leonard minus the physics stuff of course .

General stuff

I am going to have to start reading ! I hate the act of reading , I probably have problems with concentrating because I just can't concentrate on reading for long even though I like what books contain haha. Having said that, I will have to start reading cause I'm running out of documentaries about WWII and Nazis and I've already read 3 books by/about Speer (do try the Spandau Diaries , omg it will make you cry) and I want to get more about other people also. So I need to get the very funny diaries of Goebbels (they contain stuff like Goebbels thinking he saw clouds shaped like swastikas and being a HItler fanboy and a womanizer ..... fun fun fun), a book on Goring (more fun fun fun ),  there's one about WWII in general and one on the Nuremberg Trials and maybe Keitel's autobiography and one more book about Speer. Oh God !
Nope, I am still not a Nazi for Christ's sake !

Oh and I recently saw a docu-drama about Speer where the actor playing Speer was super hot and looked a lot like Speer (cause Speer was super hot so it was only fair) and the script was made after various sources including Speer's Spandau Diaries so the prison stuff are super real and sad and I had to try hard not to shed a tear ...... or 1000 . Not to mention there was some nudity at one point and also some interviews with 3 of his children .

Ok, no1curr but look at that coat and that man and .....

he was just so cute

and sexy

Have some Goring with his daughter cause I saw this on Tumblr and I can't hate on it , I just can't , I have no father so I can't hate

Anyway, other than that....exams are almost here , I'll miss one and I might not finish the projects I have to finish to get into another one but I hope that won't be the case . I hate exams !

That's all for now !

Love , 
   me !

gifs, stuff, doctor who, etc, big bang theory, update, me, trips

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