House fandom and Huddy break-up wank

Mar 19, 2011 20:29

   I'm a huge fan of tv series, I watch loads of tv series and tend to get emotionally invested in them (yes, I know, fml) but the sort of wank and bitterness and 100% crazy seen in the past 2 weeks in the House fandom has made me really analyze this situation so I will .

Now, I used to be a huge House MD fan, oh yeah ,I watched every episode of the first 3 seasons about 5 times and all of 4th twice , it was the second show , after Heroes, for which I actually started making some art like banners and icons and manips and it was about the 3rd show (after Heroes and Stargate) that got me to actually fight my sort of shyness/quietness and post comments sometimes in related communities. All this even though I watch about 5-6 shows at any given time and I associate days of the week with tv shows(oh yeah, so sad, I know) so you can imagine the amount of passion I had for this show.

Anyway, I stopped watching regularly in season 5 and stopped watching completely after the first episode of season 6 (which was great btw). I know everything that is going on up to this very latest episode cause I am too curious not to so  I read everything about it from various sources ,etc to keep myself informed but I cannot stand to watch it and lately I don't give enough of a crap anymore to care either.

What I wanted to talk about it the COMPLETE AND UTTER WANK going on in this fandom. You know, I thought that since this was supposed to be an intelligent show, it would attract fans of a more nature but NOOOOOO. At first it seemed to be the case,the fandom was pretty good, there seemed to be less fighting and hardcore shipping and more intelligent discussing but that all changed around the 4th-5th season and the fandom went totally crazy around the 6th season.

I think the shift happened because TPTB killed off every other ship and pushed Huddy out of nowhere. Now, normally you'd think young girls fancying House would be all for a young,pretty doctor like Cameron (or Hell, even like 13,though I hate her) getting it on with the object of their teen fantasies ,you'd think that ,as it happens a lot in fandom , ships would go for what is more exciting and certainly such a pairing is exciting and different. Of course, the HCam part of fandom was quite large, I think it formed a majority along with Hilsons in the first few seasons but sadly it was never loud and obnoxious enough to successfully counter the new Huddy fandom that began rearing its ugly head at the end of the 3rd season.

I've discussed Huddy loads of times already, I've written bitter and not so bitter rants on my LJ, I don't like it but not because it killed my ship , I don't think it did,  the writers just didn't want it so with or without Huddy it just wasn't going to happen although they had made HCam as canon as possible on the type of show House used to be . I hate Huddy because ,for me, they have no chemistry and also because I think it is irrational, it has no logic and they basically had to pull shit out of their asses and invent a sort of soap opera like past that didn't exist prior to season 5. But most of all I hate Huddy because it turns 2 adults into idiot teens , it turns what should be an example of a strong, independent woman into a whiny little bitch who doesn't know what she wants and who treats this man she is supposedly in love with (who in fact is not House but a combination of an image of the perfect man that Cuddy is projecting over House) either in an abusive way or as if she were his bitch.

Having said that, I feel rather sad for young women who think that such a behavior can mean love, who are happy with a relationship in which Cuddy can only keep House in check by withholding sex ,a relationship in which Cuddy desperately wants House to change and one that supposedly contains a dose of mutual respect that is nowhere to be seen .

In the past 2 weeks I've read comments like : 
- " they can't go back to being friends, they were never friends"  - and that does not make you think twice before supporting this ship? so basically your idea of a relationship has nothing to do with friendship? really? you don't need to be friends with your SO? Wow, that's a recipe for disaster
- various type of whining over how their ship was only given 14 episodes worth of relationship and how unfair that is cause everyone got more  and I'm like WHAT? . I mean ,come on , HCam got nothing and your ship is canon, no one else got as much as you, the writers basically wrote fanfic for you for 2 seasons.
- lots more whining along the lines of " how can they just act like Huddy never existed"  - again, WHAT? everything still is related to Huddy. House is doing everything he's doing cause he loves Cuddy and Cuddy was a huge bitch.
- incredibly sad stuff like some poor Huddies saying they are so depressed their lives are over or like they've gone into a big depression and stuff like that - OVER A FUCKING SHOW?
- massive amounts of hate comments towards everyone involved in making the show, far worse than anything other parts of fandom ever voiced. I mean , come on, death threats, thrashing what is supposedly your guiding light ,Lisa Edelstein , incredibly aggressive and spiteful comments all around.

Of course, on the other side I've read loads of "haha, in your face!" type of comments. Some people got just as affected by the latest developments but in the opposite way, ridiculous amounts of joy and partying and name calling .

You know what the saddest thing is? That there are people in this fandom who are so invested that they put lots of emotional energy into it, whose moods are influenced even in passing by this show, people who invest a lot in it . The question is : FOR WHAT? What are you all investing in? When all those Huddies waste days of their lives on voting for LE or for their ship in different polls ,what do they get? When LE won her award because all these Huddies cheated and voted in mass and whatnot for her ,they, the fans, wasted hours, time ,etc on her and she went and got her award and had her ego stroked for a bit and what did they ,the fans, gain? A thank you and some community/twitter usernames being read by her off a piece of paper? Really? She gets to live in relative luxury ,party with the rich and famous and not give a shit while those really,really Huddy fans literally lose their marbles by investing so much into her. I'd ask them , do you honestly think she gives a crap? She doesn't!

And then to all the House fans and fans of other show but I'm referring especially to House fans cause TPTB and the cast of this show have proven to be one of the most arrogant, disrespectful towards their fandoms  : Do you think Shore ,Yaitanes ,KJ and Co. give a shit about what you think outside maybe when it makes them lose money? Do you think they care about your dedication? Do you think Hugh Laurie gives a crap? Hugh Laurie probably hates fans and thinks we're all a bunch of sad creeps he needs to stay well away from. Do you think any of them care about what you want, what you feel and about the show and characters as much as you do? They don't .

I realized this a while ago ,that the joke is always on us . These people they win their big bucks, smile and play nice for 5 minutes at events, lie to you in interviews and tell us what they want ,they live in their own little exclusive world and look down at us and we get consumed emotionally by some ship or an actor or whatever ,bicker and act like a bunch of angry idiots .

Just chill people , it's all just a show, smoke and mirrors, not real people ,House,Cuddy,Cameron,Wilson and any other character don't exist beyond the writers keyboard ,no need to lose your integrity,your mind and your time over them.

house, fandom

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