adventuring Lovers...

Nov 09, 2009 19:39

Guns Blazin', bullets a flyin', bodies a fallin', and two people, man and woman, who love each other more deeply and passionately than one could imagine, stand at the center, the axis, of all this carnage and violence.

Now how cool would that be?
I mean, when it comes down to it, what's the ultimate binding force in most relationships (hint: its not love)... But adventure.
What kind of adventure, you may ask?
Well, I'm sure that all depends, but I think its prolly the crazy exciting, unbelievably dangerous, sometimes violent, quest into the world, where the pair encounters all sorts of evil, hardships, sidequests, and random enemies, all in pursuit of some crazy goal (usually happens to intersect with saving the world at some point).... that they eventually end up pulling off For The Win !

Now, how that translates to the real world and the Modern Day I do not know, but I do know that I want to figure it out. And, preferably, soon....

I watched True Romance the other night, with Beckers...
Its a good film, actually one of the better ones I've ever to see... And it got me thinking about what I stated above...
What's life without adventure?
And, with an adventure, what's an adventure with out massive danger and peril?
Well, I sure don't know, but its not a real adventure, that's for sure !

I also watched Pulp Fiction later in that same evening... Another Tarentino classic, though after seeing it, I liked True Romance better....
I just love the main female lead; she's so strong, and crazy (in a fun way) but has this fierce and crazy love for her partner (Christian Slater) so much so that she gets the living shit beat out of her by this Mobster trying to find the coke her husband accidentally stole; but she won't tell him, oh no she won't. And everything that happens to her by him (no worries, no rape) for her to keep composure before eventually getting the upper hand and fighting back, blow torching his face with an aerosol can, and tearing out his stomach with a shotgun.... Wow, just.... Idk.. Bad Ass...
I rarely find female leads that are so BAMF, but she sure is..
She's a lot like Becky...
I'm not sure how Becky handles herself in the above given situation, but she sure at least seems to have that fire... And the physical capacity to boot !

Idk, it feels like all we're missing is some grand crazy adventure... You know?

Idk, but I think so...

Anyway, sorry about spelling issues & what not. This is all coming from my blackberry, and it doesn't want to spell check...

What do you guys think?

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